The History & Controversy of Babylon 5: The Show Deep Space Nine Ripped Off (Maybe)

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Are you a fan of science fiction TV shows? If so, you’ve probably heard of Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine, two beloved space operas that aired in the 1990s.

In this video, we explore the history and controversy of Babylon 5 and its impact on the sci-fi genre, as well as the Deep Space Nine controversy. From J. Michael Straczynski’s innovative use of serialized storytelling, we examine how Babylon 5 paved the way for modern TV shows like Game of Thrones and The Expanse.

We also touch on the similarities and differences between Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine. And we explore the controversy surrounding allegations of plagiarism, as well as the ways in which both shows have influenced sci-fi TV in the decades since their respective premieres.

So if you’re a fan of Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine, or just great sci-fi storytelling, be sure to check out this in-depth look at the history of Babylon 5 and the show that ripped it off (maybe).


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29 thoughts on “The History & Controversy of Babylon 5: The Show Deep Space Nine Ripped Off (Maybe)”

  1. I love how a series that wholesale ripped off the lord of the rings, cries fowl about it. Bruce boxleitner even says in interviews he was asked to read the lord of the rings before casting

  2. As much as I would love to give Babylon 5 (my favorite show of all time) credit for inspiring the shift away from episodic to more serialized storytelling in dramas, 24 was probably a bigger factor, there, having been far more successful with the format.

  3. Most definitely I definitely saw Babylon 5 and watch through ithe five years it was on . Excellent story arc excellent political intrigue and excellent storytelling and of course first-generation excellent computer generation.

  4. I always thought Babylon 5 was before DS9 something about it felt like the lame original and DS9 was the much better spiritual successor that was living off an existing mythos

  5. Except Roddenberry had outlined the idea, for TV series, based on a space station, years before Babylon 5 ever aired. While DS9 aired after Babylon 5….Rick Berman was following the outline Roddenberry had created for the show. DS9 didn't rip off anything, there are similarities, but each showed followed their paths creatively.

  6. I really don't get why Warner Brothers hate this particular show (which they made), up to a point where they are unwilling to do a proper remaster and even have Sheldon Copper hate the show…

  7. I'm afraid that I have to disagree. If DS9 ripped off Babylon 5, they did so in such a stealthy, low key matter as to be impossible to notice. They both take place in space, on a space station. That's the beginning, and the end of the similarities. Most other Space programs take place on a ship. I assume they all ripped off someone too?

  8. If it was simple copyright lawsuit it would certainly be dismissed or lost on the basis of scène à faire. JMS doesn't own the ideas of space stations or wormholes – these are standard components of science fiction. Now if there's some legal agreement when making sales pitches I'm not aware of maybe. But otherwise he NEVER had a case. Compare to the recent Tardigrade lawsuit against ST Discovery which was also lost – you can't copyright teleporting space tardigrades.

  9. There's so much wrong with this claim.

    The timeline doesn't work, for one. The man who pitched DS9 (Brandon Tartikoff) DID NOT WORK for Paramount when Babylon 5 was pitched. He worked for their direct rival, NBC. How did he know about a story pitch – for a series they passed on – when he didn't work there?

    Then there's the BIG issue of DS9 being nothing like Babylon 5 during the pre-planning phase. DS9 didn't start out as a space station. It was a colony on a planet. Then it was a space station inside an asteroid. And then, finally, eventually, it became a space station. And this works both ways: In the original series bible for Babylon 5… the station wasn't near a wormhole! Did they rip off DS9 in that instance?

    JMS's false claim also hinges on the idea that Paramount and Warner were planning to launch a TV network together. Why is this a problem?

    Because we know that is a lie. In fact, both Warner AND Paramount were planning to launch their own separate networks within a couple of years.

    Straczynski has been caught in many, many lies over the years. And this is just one of them.

  10. One of the best SciFi series to ever get written, Babylon 5 gave us incredible TV moments, and probably the best ever (or one of the best) single SciFi episode in the climactic "Severed Dreams". Must see television. Thank you to JMS and the show's other creators and contributors.

  11. I was one of the ones whom watched from the original air date of the pilot all the way to the end and all the movies as well as the attempts at spinoffs . I actually liked "Crusade" and was hoping for the "Legend of the Rangers" it had promise. But I still watch the series when ever I can, I still love it and the fact they used Newtonian Physics in the show.


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