The Hidden New World Religion – ROBERT SEPEHR

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author

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39 thoughts on “The Hidden New World Religion – ROBERT SEPEHR”

  1. I learned from a part Ainu that his people had been all but exterminated by the "non racial" Japanese. When you look up their history it isnt long ago that Japan agreed to fully accept the Ainu. There are also interesting cultural similarities & shared ancient stories between the Hida & Coast Salash of Canada & the Ainu

  2. They want every other religion gone and only their own standing(satanism/luciferianism/communism, whatever u wanna call it its all the same). And 100% agree that doing this does not bring u close to god at all, it divides u from it and from nature.
    This video is on point, loved it.

  3. Zoroastrianism was huge in Ancient China. Worship of the hearth (fire) was big among the Tungusic Ewenki nationality of what is now Inner Mongolia, North China. I wonder if there is a link with the Ainu?

  4. Mankind needs to eradicate Marxism and multiculturalism (and the disgusting chosen tribe people who came up with both of those ideas).

    People need to learn and honour their TRUE (SPIRITUAL), ROOTS.

  5. Robert, the CCP also forces abortions on pregnant Uyghur women, forces sterilization on child-bearing-age women, literally places Han Chinese men in Uyghur couples' beds to occupy their homes, all in addition to the murdering them to sell their organs, and the forced slave labor. All of these are known, proven fact.

  6. Great work as usual Robert, thank you for your most precious service in sharing all of this information with us. I´m very anxious and curious to see what's going to happen this year with the Cabal and their NWO plans. It seems like for the first time in many generations, humanity is on the brink of a revolution of epic proportions, and these conspirators and traitors are finally going to pay for their crimes against humanity. The Truth will truly set us free.

  7. Very interesting Robert. Thank You!
    It AMAZES me that so many people do NOT know who Muhammad Ali is anymore.
    Maybe I should say so many young people do not know who Muhammad Ali is.

    I miss the 20th Century…Warts and all. Things were not perfect by a long shot but, it sure was more honest.
    A LOT more Critical Thinking in those days…

  8. Mixing race and culture was set up to fail, it creates more division and no social cohesion. By mixing cultures, you no longer have culture, which is exactly what they would like, easily controllable people with no societies.

  9. Love you Robert. These people look so similar to my children, who are a mix of me being Irish Italian and German, and the mom being Peruvian and Colombian, with rumours or facts of japanese acenstry in their tree.

  10. It's funny because I saw a clip on reddit recently from that same Muhammad Ali interview and everyone was praising him for his "social justice" viewpoints but little did they know that he was anti-miscegenation

  11. The Abrahamic religions …according to the Sethian Gnostics … represent an Alien hack into the psyche of the Anthropos thru the Master race ideology of Gods Chosen few.
    The Archons and their proxies (gods chosen people) are now on a mission to sever humanities origins with nature by hacking into the human genome and altering our DNA. Transhumunism is the manifestation of Yahweh’s will. Or otherwise known as the NWO.

  12. Well done. Just hope more people wake up to what the Elite are trying to do to us all. It won’t end well for humanity if we don’t wake up. I am learning about the Gnostics. I think Gnostics had it right, and not the dead man on a stick religion I grew up with. The Gnostics were killed by these so called Roman/Jewish religious people. Most of their writings were totally destroyed. I grew up around Christian religion and it never sat right with my heart. The only saviour I need is myself. Go out in nature, breathe it in, and get right with it instead of destroying it. Stop consuming what the Elite rich corps sell us. Life can be so simple and enjoyable 🥰❤️💕


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