The hardship of the mountain: help of benefactors to the baby abandoned in the cold mountain

Once upon a time, nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of a majestic mountain range, lived Ahmadreza, Siddiqa, and their precious little baby. Their humble abode was a sanctuary, a haven of love and tranquility. The couple had always been deeply in love, their hearts entwined like the vines that adorned their mountain home.

Life had always been kind to Ahmadreza and Siddiqa, showering them with blessings and joy. They reveled in the simple pleasures of life, finding solace in the embrace of nature and the warmth of their family. But fate, as unpredictable as the wind that swept through the mountains, had something else in store for them.

One fateful day, a dark cloud cast its shadow upon Ahmadreza’s soul. The weight of the world seemed to bear down on his shoulders, and he sought solace in the arms of addiction. The once vibrant and loving husband and father became a mere shadow of his former self.

Siddiqa, with her heart full of love and compassion, refused to give up on her beloved Ahmadreza. She saw beyond the addiction, recognizing the pain and struggle that had consumed him. With unwavering determination, she became his guiding light, his beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

She tirelessly researched and sought help, reaching out to support groups and professionals who could aid in Ahmadreza and their addiction tear their family apart.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, asza, the tremors of withdrawal, wiping away his tears and whispering words of encouragement. Her love was a balm to his wounded soul, slowly mending the broken pieces of his spirit.

The mountain, once a witness to their joyous laughter and playful moments, now bore witness to their resilience and unwavza’s ability to addiction a for recovery She the surrounded, the love once sharedmad, inqa fought the plagued his cries as emerged, manTheir, conquered Ahmad’s recovery became to the support united,, more mountain home to a triumph as they g be their guiding light, leading them towards a future filled with hope, joy, endless possibilities.


18 thoughts on “The hardship of the mountain: help of benefactors to the baby abandoned in the cold mountain”

  1. Как можно жи́ть в этом сарае холодном…с ребенком в таких условиях…ни сказаться ничего…ужас…ещё и женился второй раз…бежать надо от таких…

  2. Мужчина не инвалид, руки,ноги здоровые,мозг в роде не отключили.Вместе того идти работать, заработать деньги в семье, сидеть прибедняется , ждёт помощи от таких мужчин как он сам.Родится мужчиной оказывается могут все,но оставаться мужчиной не всем суждено.Мог бы жить с первой женой, родился ребенок, жили бы в своем доме которого отец подарил, другие женщины могли помочь больной жене после родов.А это женился второй раз потратил все сбережения на приданное второй жены, оставил беременную женщину на улице.Ни стыда ни совести попрошайничество в силе.Эти люди аморальный образом могут по сто раз жениться, детей, жён бросают где угодно.Земля не провалился когда он просил помощи, без совести, без стыда,это просто не человек.Сколько можно им помочь если они сами не думают о дальнейшем жизни.Смотри на небо сам Бог подаст а ты лежи проси помощь и все😮

  3. Не навижу таких без предельно безсовестных людей,ни позитива, ни совершенства только дай ,дай я тебе благодарен ужассссссссс,бог знает сколько их таких, терпения вам кто помогает этим халявшикам.Женщина с ребенком я понимаю,а это что, ведь он родился мужчиной позор .

  4. Вот те мужчины которые помогают Нищим они настоящие мужики,дай бог им здоровья и благополучия долголетия богатство 👄❤🎉😂

  5. Где жена? Где вещи которые они покупали с женой до рождения ребенка? Ванночки нет для ребенка? Что вообще у них происходит!???? Сделайте перевод на русский!

  6. I completely disagree on your comment about this guy. First of all he got another wife coz she is a nagger towards him. Second the house that they bought from his father next door to his father……his father sold it to someone even him and his wife has no inform by his father. Third his second wife did not ask for her dowry she told him I don’t need your dowry just go back to your first wife……..the second wife ask the first wife to forgive her for all her rudeness attitude towards his first wife. They depart in good term from his wife and him………this man did everything to make up his mistake from his first wife……..all his promises to her he fulfilled it…….he build her a small house???? So when the baby born they have a warm place to live……..she is the one turn to an evil wife due to a sickness after delivering the baby. This man trying to go back home to his father’s house……but his father throws him away together with his wife and his little brother. On top of it his father sold his house…… everything you have said was totally untrue and very judgmental towards this guy😔😔😔😔


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