The Hadex Anomaly Is HORRIFYING! – Grim Dark Mysteries. | Warhammer 40K Lore

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49 thoughts on “The Hadex Anomaly Is HORRIFYING! – Grim Dark Mysteries. | Warhammer 40K Lore”

  1. I can’t wait until AI becomes so advanced that it’s able to take the entirety of the grimdark books and concept arts to create entire shows / movies for the fans 😩😩😩

  2. Chaos C'tan maybe? Imagine if one of the star gods unrelated to the Necrons drama, simply found itself in our galaxy and when it eventually finds out about the warp it decides to embrace its powers and somehow starts interacting with it for its own benefits. Maybe then mutated a bit and became an entirely new entity which is using the warp but unlike the chaos gods is not a part of the immaterium.

  3. Well with the coming of the Great Rift it would seem like the Halex Anomaly could be tied to the Warp somehow. Just look at how much worse the galaxy has become split in literal two.

    It is probably not a seperate situation away from the Warp unlike the Pale Wasting and Harrowing events were from dimensions seperate from the Warp.

  4. My first gut reaction is that we are witnessing the birth of a c'tan. Insatiable hunger, check. Eats star systems, check. Screws with the minds of mortals, check. Capable of self-locomotion, check. Not aligned with any sort of moral compass, chaotic or conventional, check. Has gathered a cult of the "faithful," willing to debase themselves for the glory of their master, check.

    Alright now someone tell me why I'm wrong.

  5. I’m all for a lot of cosmic anomalies to not be warp based

    Gives the mystery of the wider galaxy more horrific charm to it

    Mixing it up I say

    You can have deep warp horrors that make even the Chaos Gods look like pansies but then you got this thing over hear that is leaking from another separate dimension entirely

  6. I hope if the setting ever ends, that one of the not chaos related lovecraftian forces in the galaxy, ends everything and not this boring Tyranids. Pls make more of this warhammer 40k horror lore.

  7. The ship that keeps reappearing looking for a the planet no one can see could have been pushed just out of sync with reality by the time bending effects of Anomaly forcing it to repeatedly witness the planets destruction.

  8. I would say ether chaos gods up to some kind of fuckery or some other warp entity that might be on its own doing its own thing which if that's the case it should be careful not to draw Khorn, Zeentch, Nurgel and slaanesh's attention unless it's able to rival their power which would be very concerning.

  9. Thanks for the video! And poor Milky Way, there's so much stuff going on, the endless war, the tyranids, the chaos, and now this thing. If it's not related to Chaos, and it's not a "regular" warp rift, then it's even scarier, imo.

  10. Sounds like some intelligent species calls the Hadex Anomaly as their area of space. What they did to the ship on a moon was a clear warning for humans to STAY away from their area of space. Considering the evil humans have done in the name of the Imperium, can't blame them. So how much more terrifying (the people who did this hope) then cutting a ship in pieces and spreading it on the moon in a pattern, as well as putting all the human bodies in a pile? If I saw this, I'd say it was a pretty clear "No Trespassing" sign. As to the rest – maybe a living organism. Anyone ACTUALLY try speaking with it? I mean speaking, not spouting, screaming or trying to probe it? Nah, this is 40K so logic isn't applicable.

  11. You should do a follow up video on the "Stigmartus" faction of the Jericho Reach. They're based in the Hadex anomaly and use its distorted flow of time to their advantage. They might even be in contact/in cooperation with the Hadex anomaly. Large armies and fleets pour from the Hadex anomaly every few months that should have taken decades to amass. Of course, these forces do take that long to amass, but time passes much faster inside the Hadex anomaly. It's likely that there, a couple of decades pass in what is only a few realspace months; this allows the Stigmartus enough forces to fight on equal footing with the local Imperial Crusade! The Stigmartus also pick on the Jericho Reach's Tau for good measure as well.
    Pretty interesting stuff, I'd recommend a read.

  12. Wes I love your channel and general energy. As a fellow Floridian I’d love to pick your brain on how to best get into the tabletop locally and what army to run. I am a huge Alpha Legion fan and would love more lore on the sneaky boys.
    Keep up the amazing work!!


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