The Guild That Killed Hardcore WoW

WoW drama of the week
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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48 thoughts on “The Guild That Killed Hardcore WoW”

  1. these guys dont look like they are playing hardcore if im 60 and its going south in hc you insta hearth, but i guess no need when your guildys just approve ur appeal

  2. when i raid i always stand like at the back away from any that will attack me until told to start attacking as from many times it only takes one person to fuck up the whole raid.

  3. I didn't even know there was a tier below, people who think that others care about their classic logs. But I'm glad to see even more people being in denial about their insignificance.

  4. Asmon my dude- I’ve been subbed since Cata (when I started) and I find you knowledgeable, entertaining, quick-witted, funny, & highly informative.
    The fact you’re on Tiny’s side rubs me and a lot of others in comments the wrong way.
    Tiny said he “carried” this guild, and that they wouldn’t have progressed without him. So QUIT. Stop their progression, and go raid with people that are wanna play the game the way you wanna play it. Just peace out, live & let live.
    Other than the aforementioned caping for Tiny; it didn’t sit well with me when Asmon said something like: “I never had so much joy in while as I did while grieving people. His joy comes from taking the joy away from others.

  5. I feel like her guild thought to themselves "well we do need a healer now, how long would it take to get a new one?" Decided it was easier to convince her to just restore.

  6. The court of asmongold would be an awesome series. He could wear a gown and big white wig.

    "Asmongold has reviewed your case and finds the defendant guilty of being a complete moron. You are sentenced to permadeath via drowing in the stormwind water ways. forever your corpse on display.
    Bang Bang
    Court is adjourned."

  7. So, we had drama over loot councils…what did we expect from appeal committees deciding not over a single item, rather judging on the life or an entire character with however many items and hours invested!

  8. I wonder who are the greater gaming scum… EQ Green server people or WoW Classic hardcore… both have epic griefers… But I would have to lean toward EQ Green servers because the scum players are also the admins… With WoW Classic hardcore, you just have normal blizzard admin scum, which is theoretically less scummy?

  9. That Dire Maul clip was so incredibly stupid and them getting appealed is kind of a joke. They had an eternity to get out of that situation. Didn’t know appeals covered being stupid, I thought it was for things that happened through no fault of your own.

  10. There is ONE simple rule, that should solve those f players for all. The moment you enter dungeon, Unless you fall under the texture, or randomly spawned Illidan kills you, when you die, you are dead…


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