Who has the best Capital Ship? Part 1: Raynor [Starcraft II: Co-Op]

Starcraft II Co-Op Solo Mission: Mist Opportunities

The capital ships of a commander are its most important warships; they are generally the larger ships when compared to other warships in their respective fleet. A capital ship is generally a leading or a primary ship in a naval fleet.

Ten Commanders in co-op can train their own capital ship. Which one of them is the best? I devised a setup to compare their performance against each other using a solo on Mist Opportunities. I will be comparing their kill ratio, total damage ratio, their survivability, and their popularity with people.

We have Raynor first with Battlecruisers that have the ability to teleport to a different location and fire a Yamato gun. Raynor supports them with scans for detection and repair.

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