The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Greatest Story Ever Told

#apologetics #christianity #bibleanswers
🌟 Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Many religions will tell you that you can be saved by your good works, and they will try to undermine the Bible by any means possible. Instead of trusting in any other God, turn to the true God who will save you not but any works that you can do, but by the work he has already done for you. The God of the heavens and the Earth is the same God that flooded the entire world but Noah and his family. God is full of righteousness and is angry at the wicked every day (Psalm 7: 11-13). However, God is merciful and gracious, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). This is why God provided the perfect savior, Jesus of Nazareth, who died on the cross to pay for our sins and then rose again from the dead. The message is to repent (to acknowledge and turn from sins) and believe the gospel.
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βœ… Check Out Videos From Dimetri
1️⃣ His NEW Sermon is Staggering |
2️⃣ This Man’s Teaching is SHOCKING… |
3️⃣ He Had His Doubts… So The Christian Said This. |

βœ… Check Out More Videos From Jeremy
1️⃣ Proving The Trinity in 12 Minutes (According to the Bible) |
2️⃣ Dear Oneness Pentecostals, THEY TRICKED YOU! |
3️⃣ Reasoning About The Sin of Homosexuality |
❗ Here are some fantastic resources for those wanting to learn more about the gospel message (and the only way to escape the wrath of God). Keep in mind that Repent And Believe will disagree with some secondary issues that these resources claim, but we endorse almost all of their teachings.

πŸ“„ A Google Document Dimetri wrote about the gospel:

πŸ“˜ Living Waters: @LivingWaters
πŸ“™ Wretched: @WretchedNetwork
🌎 Evolution vs. God:
🧱 For questions about the Bible go to
😎 You may message Dimetri on Discord @ImDime
πŸ“– If you are a Christian, reading the Bible is one of the most important things to do. It is God’s word to direct you into the path of righteousness (Psalm 119:105). If you don’t have a Bible you can use Start with reading Genesis (at least Genesis 1-11) and the four gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Then finish the rest of the New Testament books. After this, there are many Bible reading plans that include the Old Testament. Our suggested version of the Bible for new readers is the NKJV (New Kings James Version).


7 thoughts on “The Greatest Story Ever Told”

  1. Born of a woman means Christ won't be born of sin even though in Christianity men blame women for sin in paradise and the reason we are now separate from God? Don't think you've thought this through.

  2. I've literally never thought of it like this before. I never considered WHY He was born of a virgin. I only knew that it was prophesied that He would be, and that it happened. I just took it on face value that it was one of the signs that He would be the Messiah. Great clip.


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