The GREAT CHAOS in Crimea has officially begun: 500,000 Russians abandoned Putin and fled the Island

The GREAT CHAOS in Crimea has officially begun: 500,000 Russians abandoned Putin and fled the Island


23 thoughts on “The GREAT CHAOS in Crimea has officially begun: 500,000 Russians abandoned Putin and fled the Island”

  1. England. It's so sad that after the Cold War, Russia should turn on its log term ally. In the past, even the BBC has considered Ukraine as Russian. It never has been. Over the years, Russia has bled the Ukraine dry, and finally it's had enough. It's so obvious that a massive country like Russia is so pathetic, has no real military commanders. Even during WW2, it was the freezing weather hat finally destroyed the Nazis.

  2. It's important to remember that in the plebiscite over Ukrainian independence a bare majority of the people in Crimea voted for Ukrainian independence. While this majority was much smaller than that of every other oblast (including Donetsk) it was a majority.

    So don't assume that everybody in Crimea is pro-Putin, or even pro-Russian, even though the population is very strongly russophone. Some of them are strongly pro-Ukrainian, some are even Ukrainian partisans operating in Crimea. Some are just ordinary people who would rather this war weren't happening, but given that it is, staying/becoming Ukrainian may look like a better deal than going to Russia.

  3. What a stupid cheap propaganda channel. Hey morons, to be credible with anti Russian propaganda you need to be intelligent, well educated, patriots… You are missing all of this. Stupid morons, paid hundred of dollars by your US puppet masters and happy not to be forced to be inscripted and sent by your zio nazi regime to the frontline with zero chance to survive the next four hours.
    How miserable and pitiful you are.

  4. Unfortunately, this is absolute rubbish. Just a click bait channel. Worse than Russian propaganda.

    Tune into Warthog or Denys Davydov for the real story.

    Slava Ukraini! 👊🏻 🇺🇦 👊🏻

  5. I always pray to Lord Jesus Christ every day for peace negotiations..talking to each other looking for  peaceful solutions..Lord Jesus Christ the true Lord..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day..only Lord Jesus Christ the way to eternal life (father house) or heaven,,,,,,,…..He really hate nuclear weapons,,because nuclear weapons  is  big sins..big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..because nuclear weapons is very terrible weapons..nuclear weapons  are  big sins..big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..nuclear power plant is big sin..ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles is big sins..nuclear power plant is big sins…nuclear weapons is big sins..big sins is the eternal fire of hellfire..because nuclear weapons is very terrible weapons


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