The Glorious Stand Of The Swan Knights – Lord Of The Rings Siege! – Dawnless Days

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45 thoughts on “The Glorious Stand Of The Swan Knights – Lord Of The Rings Siege! – Dawnless Days”

  1. Denethor goes mad because he has a palantir that he's been using. It takes a great and strong mind to wield one already because it like stretches your mind thin but it's ultimately exposure to Saurons mind that drives him crazy. Sauron also has a stone so using the stone makes their minds touch because it's also like a communication device. Sauron and Saruman use them to communicate back and forth and even Saruman is greatly effected from having to communicate with Sauron using one.

  2. Hey PA, here are some fun facts about the regions and military forces of Gondor!

    There are two royal provinces of Gondor, these are:

    – Anorien (home to companies of Citadel Guards a few hundred each, and a few thousand Minas Tirith defenders)

    – Ithilien (home to small companies of Rangers of the South).


    There is also the Southern Fiefdoms or Outlands, which are:

    – Lossarnach (home to a couple hundred well-armed farmers)

    – Lebennin (home to many horsemen)

    – Belfalas/Dor-En-Ernil (home to hundreds of men-at-arms, as well as companies of Swan-Knights from Dol Amroth)

    – Mornan/Blackroot Vale (home to multiple hundred bowmen),

    – Lamedon (home to a many grim hill-men)

    – Pinnath Gelin (home to a few hundred troops dressed in green)

    – Ringlo Vale (home to a few hundred marching foot-soldiers)

    – Anfalas/Langstrand (home to long lines of scantily equipped hunters, herders and villagers, besides the fief lord's household)

    – Ethir Anduin/Mouths of Anduin (home to some hundred fishermen who could be spared from boats)

  3. It's a crime how Gondor was portrayed in the movies. Gondor has been the stalwart holding back Mordor and her allies for millennia. They have repelled many invasions. Their soldiers are some of the most elite and veteran soldiers that are produced in the entire LOTR saga. Their infantry is simply the best, their archers are some of the best that the world of Men have produced and their knights rival even the Rohirrim. The reason Sauron throws his first massive army against Gondor (which isn't even his greatest) and focuses so much energy on her is the fact that she is literally the one country that has to be beat. The leadership of Gondor is portrayed as wise in the books. When we meet Denethor, he is a little paranoid and antagonistic towards Gandalf. But he has already dispatched messengers to get aid from the fiefdoms of Gondor such as Pelegair and has lit the beacons and sent the Red Arrow to Theoden, asking for aid against Mordor. He is a wise leader and his captains are equally good. Even with superior numbers, it took Mordor several days to break through Osgiliath, penetrate the Rammas Echor that encircled the entire Pelleanor Field and reach the walls of Minas Tirith. Even then, many men held firm, even when the Nazgul came swooping down, scaring the men and holding their own. When the Rohirrim arrived, they still held the First Circle and charged out to assist the Rohirrim. Many perished bringing down the Mumakil, since the Rohirrim's horses refused to go near them. These are the greatest warriors men has to offer…..and yet….what are we shown in the movies? Soldiers that can barely fight. Orcs simply are better warriors and these troops act like they've never lifted a sword. Hell, even the Rohirrim peasants showed a better fight, and they weren't even trained!.Leaders making incredibly stupid decisions. In what universe does Denethor possibly think 200 horsemen can defeat thousands of orcs? It's been literally hours since
    the city fell and yet he sends out this small force?
    Why aren't people questioning his orders? Denethor isn't some wise leader and he has no one telling him no. In the books, he's a wise ruler who only falls due to Sauron's manipulations that breaks his mind in the end. This Denethor is a man who is so paranoid and uncaring that he has let his kingdom fall into ruins without doing anything to prevent it. Then he freaks out when Rohan doesn't arrive to prevent Mordor from arriving when he refused to send for aid! Then you have the whole Gondor soldiers end upbeing man-sized versions of Kick-the-Can for the orcs. There is one part of the battle that you see an orc running up behind a line of archers and hitting each one on the back, (the scene where Gandalf is going all martial arts with his staff and Glamdring on orcs on the wall) not one of these archers turns to see what is going on, even when they are reloading, and yet their comrades are falling right next to them!There is simply no excuse for how poorly they were portrayed in the movie

  4. Ty for covering this battle, I was the harad player and just to clear things up I had plenty of troops hidden I just wanted to keep Gondor’s forces on that side like you guessed

  5. What's funny is that Rohan v Gondor situation could've probably happened in the unfinished version of Tolkin's continuation of the Middle Earth books that he named "a new shadow" (minus the Uruk-Hai that is) . Basically at this point almost all the elves and dwarves have left Middle Earth and just a few ( we're probably talking like only double digit numbers here) still stayed and men have taken over the lands but are now uneasy and quarreling among each other. Aragorn's line has long declined and failed now to establish a peaceful and righteous reign for everyone and only care about themselves at this point. It is here where a satanic like cult springs up and worships Sauron again but under a different name. The pages Tolkin left were not many and only included like those informations and a tiny bit of written story mentioning said cult. But yeah that could be the time where this very likely happens as men just grow greedy and fight amongst each other.


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