The Gauntlet Makes Rapier DEADLY in Close Range! – New World PVP Gameplay

Been doing some testing with the Ice Gauntlet and Rapier and, I might like it better…

00:0003:05 : Ice Gauntlet Thoughts
03:057:18 : PVP Commentary



10 thoughts on “The Gauntlet Makes Rapier DEADLY in Close Range! – New World PVP Gameplay”

  1. Gr8 stuff man! Do u buy ur pots and food or make them? If u make everything man u have been playing like crazy i must say!
    Maybe m not updated, I find it hard to catchup.. I saw u healed for like 1.5k hp when u drank the pot but my pot gives like 400 hp 😅 i am frustrated with grinding items. If I need to competitive, I will need things like that constantly.. things were much simpler in eso

  2. Great video again! My primary build is Ice Gauntlet/Rapier and I gotta say the Ice Storm is just to good to give up for something else. I’ve considered switching entombed for the Ice Spike for a deadly Ice Shower snare/ice storm slow/ spike combo into the Rapier. That’s next on my agenda.

  3. the biggest issue in this game is the amount of damage avoidance you get with light armor , the stamina management is just not there , there is no downfall to running dry since you can literally walk away from players and not take damage

  4. Hey man love the experimenting — I was experimenting with this today too as a primary rapier/bow player. My main concern with playing Ice is that once you have Heavy Freeze + Ultimate Chill + Critical Frost, the playstyle often devolves into Ice shower + spam Ice heavies. Feels very cheesy and those sexy ice shower into fleche backstabs you did in this video become relatively less effective.

    This is what had kept me away from Ice until today but Im giving it a try after seeing some of the skill-shot burst potential of ice spike in your videos.

    I noticed you didn't take those passives yet — let us know if your playstyle changes once you do


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