The Full BOB & TOM Show for March 2, 2023

Al Jackson joins us with his never-ending mission to help Tom get hip, plus Aaron Rodgers bowel movements, a topless marijuana dispensary, and stalac-turds!

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14 thoughts on “The Full BOB & TOM Show for March 2, 2023”

  1. Dear Josh, After my back surgery in 2020, my surgeon told me to limit my motion until I have healed one year later. I installed a bidet to limit my twisting on the commode to follow my doctors' orders. Now it is 2023 and I will never give up my bidet. Tim from California

  2. Chick's wrong about Band-Aids. They are absolute trash, and won't stick near as long as they need to. However, Walmart's Equate brand almost require a blowtorch and a crowbar to get those suckers off, and will hold up to just about anything you throw at them.

    Also, the giving Taylor Lewan's belongings back in trash bags is all about the disrespect it shows to him, and not anything else. It tells him that the team never valued him and that he was only worth as much as garbage, which obviously no one would be happy with being told, especially in such an overt and awful way. And this isn't even the first time in recent history that this very thing has happened. A couple of years ago, professional wrestler Mickie James (real name Alexis Laree) had the same thing done to her by WWE after she left that organization for the second time, and it was later learned that several other wrestlers and employees, seemingly mostly women, who had been let go by WWE over the years, including fellow wrestler/manager Maria Kanellis-Bennet had also had their belongings returned to them in trash bags, and as with Taylor Lewan, it was to show disrespect, especially to the former female employees, since WWE has until very recently had a horribly misogynistic and bullying culture behind the scenes.

  3. I told my boyfriend that I needed to go Back into the bathroom, he asked why, I just went, so again? And I replied for a second wipe 😭 he looked at me like I was gross that couldn't get it the 1st time . I gotchu Josh 🙋‍♀️


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