Elon Musk's Plan To Colonize Mars | How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Colonize Mars | Colonization of Mars

Elon Musk’s Plan To Colonize Mars | How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Colonize Mars | Colonization of Mars

A look at Elon and SpaceX’s plan to travel to a eventually colonize mars.

Elon Musk’s mission to mars might sound like a fictional story, but the billionaire’s vision is quickly heading towards reality. If he and his brain-child SpaceX can take the human race from earth dwellers to multi-planetarium race, it will be the most ambitious and expensive project in history, costing up to $10 trillion.

How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Colonize Mars! SpaceX and NASA have been partnering together more and more, and today we’ve covering the plans, news and updates about the mission to colonize Mars by SpaceX and NASA.

What If SpaceX Colonized Mars?

Mars colonization is #ElonMusk ultimate goal and there can be no doubt about that. And did you know that he has just revealed #SpaceX new plan to do this and that I know you’ll get so interested as well?

Most people are still doubting whether or not it is possible to live or colonize #Mars , but only one person is certain it can be done: SpaceX’s CEO, Elon Musk. Further ahead in this video, I will also share with you what the #Starship used to be called before #Musk changed it. It is well known that SpaceX plans to fly its first cargo mission to Mars in 2022, followed by a human mission to Mars two years later. And these are only two of the hallmarks of Musk’s current Mars-colonization strategy. That prior presentation presented the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), a massive, reusable rocket-spaceship combo Musk envisions helping to construct a million-person city on Mars within the next 50 to 100 years. It will take a long time, according to Musk.

📺 Watch the entire video for more information!

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