The Frightening: English Electric Lightning Story

The Frightening: English Electric Lightning Story
In 1960 the United Kingdom unveiled the English Electric Lightning: the first and only jet capable of reaching Mach 2 speeds that the UK ever fully produced. The Lightning was packed with state-of-the art technology including world first radar tech. The Lightning also features an incredibly unique engine placement that contributes to its iconic look and insane performance. Join us as we learn how English Electric Lightning helped re-shape the world of aerial combat.

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10 thoughts on “The Frightening: English Electric Lightning Story”

  1. The English electric lightning
    Sorta carbon copied the mig 21 fish bed
    But was also in competition with the
    Lockheed Martin f-104 star fighter
    For the Mach 2 the world speed record
    Shalom dove 🕊️ of peace ☮️


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