The Flood (Could) Devour the 40k Galaxy – HaloHammer Part 3

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There will be no escape from the Parasite.

Or there will be. Or kind of will be, because I wrote 3 scenarios because no one taught me how to stay under the word limit on essays.

0:00 – Intro
1:51 – Precursor Lore
7:47 – Flood Lore
12:07 – Flood Defeated
16:19 – Flood Faction
20:02 – Flood Victory
30:27 – Conclusion
31:46 – One Final Effort (To lose all my subs)

FTL: Faster Than Light – Main Menu Theme
Halo: CE – Flood Theme, Under Cover of Night, Ambient Wonder, A Walk in the Woods
Halo 3 – Warthog Run, Black Tower, Edge Closer, Tribute, Menu Theme, Halo Reborn
Halo 3: ODST – Deference for Darkness


44 thoughts on “The Flood (Could) Devour the 40k Galaxy – HaloHammer Part 3”

  1. You don't think the Genestealers would incorporate the flood into the Tyrannids? The Nids get all of the abilities of the Flood as well as an immunity to the spores? The line between Flood and Nid blurs as they basically merge into one faction.

  2. I think this is a good video and like that there scenarios were covered but I think that it would all depend on some specifics (like can warp beings be infected by the flood) and who wrote it. If it was a primarily halo story then the flood could win, best chance I think they’d have is infecting some far off place and then attacking the main 40k planets/galaxies while at full power. If it was primarily 40k then chaos gods and creatures could corrupt and kill the flood without being affected or the tyranids would adapt rapidly and just destroy the flood or the Necrons would blow up the stars next to the flood or humans would exterminatus the hell out of them or the orks wouldn’t be affected and would have a blast fighting them like the ones Khorne revives for fun (if I remember correctly) or nurgle’s diseases would destroy the flood…and so forth.

    Just so you know I’m more biased towards the 40k universe but the main issue I see is that I think the flood, while great at amassing numbers and becoming smart as hell, would still get kerbstomped by certain chaos creatures (again, depending on how the flood could affect them though I think that chaos creatures would be mostly unaffected).

    Feel free to add anything or correct anything but be polite about it please 🙂

  3. I have a few things to say

    I loved this little series because despite what little timmy 40k says you were incredibly good at trying to remain unbiased in this series. Wished you talked about the C'Tan a bit.

    The fact that you make fun of yourself by saying your a simp for Halo is great alone but you thought of points that 40k fans could bring up and brought in proof that x faction could deal with that point or even destroy because they dealt with it before.

    Another thing is I like the idea of the flood coming to 40k and just absolutely wrecking shop because it would finally have the status quo change and diplomacy would be much more needed as allies against the flood would be needed. In fact, I'm gonna into a tangent so feel free to call me a nerd.

    I believe that three armies would get much stronger if the flood happened in a modified version of scenario three.

    Say everything happened in scenario three but not as in favor or as quick for the flood. You can justify it how you want but for right now I'm just gonna say plot and roll with it.

    Chaos, Tyranids, and Orks have the most staying power/growth potential against Flood. This is my opinion from what I understand about 40k so feel free to yell I'm wrong.

    1. Orks: Orks devolved from Krorks correct? Well, what do you think is above Krorks? Imagine the Boyz keep fighting and fighting the flood and they keeping getting stronger and stronger to where every boy is a The Beast and the Warbosses are better than Krorks. Battles on unheard of scale decimated star systems and sub-sectors as a green tide of WAAAAAGH and dakka fight a Lovecraftian nightmare horde.

    2. Tyranids. Tyranids are already evolve rapidly from their battles as Octarius shows which I should have mentioned previously. Tyranids evolving to being immune or resistance to flood like Hunters would most likely happen from a lore and writing standpoint and Tyranids would fight flood like a t rex amongst greased up cracked up heroin feed homeless people.

    3. Chaos. This is the most stretched reasoning as I think it's purely opinionated. The amount of fear and hysteria caused by the flood would most likely give the Gods a major power boost and subsequently there follows which would turn into a repeating cycle. If not a power boost it could birth back Malal into existence which the writers could have him running around fucking with things. I think Chaos would start trying to fuck with the hive mind would be funny for it to go either way. Just imagine tzeentch trying to manipulate the flood like that meme of the crying girl talking to her mom on the couch.

    Another thing is this could open a whole bunch more paths for Warhammer 40 to change as a whole. Imperial alliances with xenos would become more common so much so that perhaps the Eldar would start help trying to revive the Emperor because they recognize that the Emperor's might and intellect would be needed (at least the Emperor that everyone headcannons or what we originally thought he was, not the magical r/atheist that The Last Church made him out to be) another thing that this could bring along is unification of the Imperium as a whole as it wouldn't be constantly fighting a "losing" battle and could actually consolidate itself and get ride of Lance Cashpants before he fucks with Corvus. By extension, Rowboat Girlyman will get punched in the face by the Emperor either with his mind; or his big ass hand or both hopefully, for making the codex astartes and space marine count would start skyrocketing. The Emperor could also go to Mars and punch Cawl in the face for being a shitty prick and thank him for making Primaris marines so they would become the dominate majority of the Antares. Emperor could also force the toaster lovers to share their damn toys, so Imperium tech could get a upgrade.

    Elder would also benefit from this as they wouldn't have to worry about fighting the imperium as much so that's one front of their back and they could actually request aid from the Imperium to help protect maiden worlds and craft worlds.

    The Emperor could elected the Far Sight Enclave to become the new Tau Empire as a client of the Imperium of Man. So the Tau can go back to what they used to be and the Imperium's average level of technology could go up again and the Tau might be able to improve or at least reproduce Imperial equipment as they figured out galactic travel in 5000 years or so, but that's way down the line.

    Dark Elder could just die. Now that Elder, Man, and Tau aren't constantly fighting eachother they can consolidate a force to overtake Commoragh and take their black hole guns from them. So again the Imperium and by extension allies can get an upgrade from technology standpoint.

    This could all coalesce into a massive one side versus another battle for the fate of the Warhammer 40k universe or if you want to keep this idea and still make it grim dark have the stories revolve around either the faction leaders trying desperately to keep their factions together and not at odds with one another. You could also have Chaos eventually realize that if the flood kill everything that nothing will feed them so they could ally with the material plane so you can throw daemons and traitors into the melting pot that is this fucking idea.

    Imagine if they could so how being the entirety of the warp into the material plane for a last ditch battle against the flood so we could have Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slannesh, Big E,Khaine, Isha, Cergorach, and the C'Tan all fighting with their factions against the flood.

    I excluded Gork and Mork from that list because of course they would be there.

    Back to the nids and super krorks. The allies could use them as a diversionary force against the flood. Someone, probably Big E, could convince the Orks to purely focus on the Flood so the allies could consolidate itself and gain strength. They could probably directly or trick the tyranids into fighting the flood more often or Big E could just communicate with the massive flock of space sheep-locus and tell them the flood are a bigass field of nutritional shit.

    Anyway most of this stuff is my own opinion with knowledge I have on hand but before I go I will talk about one more thing.

    Necrons, specifically Trayzn. If this were to end in the allies favor a interesting way to do it again would to have Trazyn contain a Flood spore(s) in his museum and have them escape and maybe even take Trazyn meusum making an even harder time for the next war.

  4. Frankly, only the Orks, Chaos Undivided, and most likely the Humans would have any chance of keeping on keeping on lol. The rest of em are kinda fucked, and the only reason the Humans are still going on is because the massive amount of super heated laser guns that every person in the Royal Guard has.

    The Orks, meanwhile, survive simply because of the value they have as Orks. Frankly, I'm pretty sure the Orks would thrive under the threat Flood, considering their warmongering intensity.

    Meanwhile, Chaos is Chaos, so hey y'know, I don't quite think even the Flood is going into the more dangerous ends of The Warp without being destroyed. By the end of it, with the Flood destroying just about everything that isn't them, The Orks, and Chaos Undivided, maybe the Tyranids would also stand a chance.

    The Tyranids and The Necrons would most likely stand out for quite a while, both being somewhat hiveminds themselves. However, the Necrons would be overrun due to their lack of numbers, and the Nids would… well, I'm pretty sure they would just keep doing what they're doing.

  5. You forget that the Necrons have a giant star chart that they can use to cause any star in the galaxy to go supernova. Combine that with their and the Eldar's diviners and all that needs to happen is for one of them to go "Hey, the Gravemind is somewhere in this star cluster!" and *pop*.

  6. If we are speaking from a lore standpoint and just directly comparing them on that then The Flood would be a minor annoyance in 40k. Everything in 40k is hyper power gamed, everything is brokenly OP. The fact that The Flood could be contained in the first place speaks volumes about it's power.

    I get that this is for fun and all but that's what happens when you compare different universes. The one that is more grounded in reality is weaker.

  7. I imagine that Nurgle would be one of, if not, the last remaining chaos god should the Flood take over. I can see him encouraging their spread early on but after a point he will probably fear the flood because of how fast they spread.

  8. the 40k universe is way more willing to sacrifice resources like ships, planets, citizens when necessary. I mean the imperium blows up whole planets when they get too out of control with rebellions, chaos etc.

  9. I mean if they got a keymind they got at least several graveminds already and probably hundreds of protograveminds which basically would just be commanding individual ships while graveminds command at least a fleet of a few dozen ships and all the units at their disposal while the keymind commands all of them and basically has an IQ in the hundreds of thousands, it cant be out thought.


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