The Flash is a FAILURE! DC COMICS Panics & Nobody Likes Woke Ezra Miller + James Gunn Responds!

From digital necromancy to pushing the insane Ezra Miller on general audiences, The Flash is a misfire. So let’s talk.

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Micheal Rosenbaum’s podcast with James Gunn:


48 thoughts on “The Flash is a FAILURE! DC COMICS Panics & Nobody Likes Woke Ezra Miller + James Gunn Responds!”

  1. Thank you for watching, I honestly feel bad for everyone involved with The Flash. It really is under performing due to Ezra Miller being a real life super villain.

    After this box office there’s no way Ezra will be Flash again, maybe that’s for the best. Let me know what you think as always & have a great day!

    Instagram: endymionn
    Twitter: EndymionYT

  2. every single thing about this movies trash….not supergirl idk wtf that bi*ch was…james gunn cant make a good movie end of sentence…ezra is a pedo………KEATON IS THE BEST THO!!

  3. Movies with Easter eggs and reveals won't have people going back to the theaters to rewatch the movies.
    They'll go to YouTube where someone will do all the work for them .
    Same with Michael Keaton Batman…
    People will wait for SD someone on YouTube to post all the Michael Keaton scenes.
    This Easter egg strategy would have worked before the dawn of the internet broadband but not now.

  4. Technically The Flashpoint Paradox story isn’t a multiverse story. It’s an alternate timeline story which I don’t get how different versions of Batman, Superman and others fit since it’s the same universe just different timeline but I get it as long as the family members agreed and compensated for their granddad’s image to be in the digital Lazarus pit then it’s all good.

  5. I'm not gonna lie. I had a bit of a disconnect between watching Ezra Miller, the disgusting real life human being play The Flash, a somewhat awkward, but ultimately good guy. That was really hard to ignore.

    As for the dead actors? Honestly, I couldn't care less. They're a part of film history and are just being used to establish the fact that there's a multiverse, and it's not like there's speaking lines or anything coming from Christopher Reeves.

  6. OK let us but the hate aside, Spacy is a great actor, I would watch any good film with him in it. American Beauty & The Usual Suspects are two of the most films I enjoyed watching because he was the center point. His life outside of the screen doesn't concern me that much as long as I'm getting something valuable to spend my time for.

  7. I’ve been a huge DC fan, favorites were always Superman and the flash but I can’t stand Ezra, even before all his controversies watching him in Justice league was hard, he just isn’t the flash for me… All that being said even as a bigger DC fan I think Marvel has a done an incredible job (probably not great right now), the problem with DC too many plot holes and most of the stories are bad and unnecessary that don’t add nothing to either the character or future movies (Shazam 2, Wonder Woman 2, Black Adam) is all none sense that follow the same structure and made just as a cash grab.

  8. Til this day i say George Miller had the right idea. And if dc had of listened. They would have been set after the writer's strike. Around 2010, Justice league mortal's idea and the way he had it end. Til this day i have not seen a superhero film match. End game was kinda close. But seeing a mind controlled superman fight wonder woman and beat her to damn near death. While maxwell lord tortures batman and tells him u attack me. Supes kills wonder woman. Flash sacrificing himself to take out Maxwell lord and the omac droids right after all the heroes unite. And not to mention in the beginning, he leaves u thinking Batman died. But in the end it was flash who dies. And passes the mantle to wally west. Boosting the dc universe to solo films til the next. Along with that they had to fight omac droids with citizens in them? Like that is some next level villain shit. That really would make me grip my seat and wonder what will happen next. Lastly the flash he wrote in the script was eerily similar to the flash in the tv show. Which he wrote before the show was made. We need that level of stakes for our heroes in Gunn's dcu. Something that will leave a mark. And show just how vulnerable our heroes can be. Before they overcome the high stakes and come out on top.

  9. the story is the same every time good guy gets powers bad guy shows up causes danger good guy defeats bad guy end credits. It gets pretty boring you see that like 20 times with 20 different movies. I can enjoy Batman mainly because there's not that many Batman movies.

  10. IMO Grant Gustin did a pretty good job as the Flash until his show got ruined with woke bullshit in its later seasons. So I know the Flash can be done well. This just isn’t it.

  11. Miller is not qualified to be “woke”! And is nowhere near it! You guys are just committed to co-opt its original meaning……indicative.🤦🏿‍♂️

  12. I still can't understand that why Hollywood insist on rewriting The original stories created by the comic book. They have years and years of stories already written that are Love by fans that were at some point or another adapted into cartoons literally all you have to do is take the same story cut-and-paste live-action and sell it. Yes I know it's easier said than done but just use the original source material and stop trying to rewrite using the world we live in today's standards.

  13. Dc movies are trash compare to marvel but they are all going woke so really…. It doesn’t matter . So tired of the gay and gender shit no one gaf.

  14. We didnt need to see everything how barry does all the fucking time. The running animation is stupid as fuck too.

    And those cameos felt nothing but hollow, because none of it was earned. they just took shit that was big and slammed it into one movie

  15. So help me understand because ill be honest as I’m looking at things differently. Why is bringing back little cameos of DCs past horrible? Wouldn’t it be more like paying homage to what the actors had done paving the way for DC to continue its journey? How would u suggest they do it? Let the past die? Why wouldn’t it make perfect sense for them to show the 1 chaotic and selfish choice of the flash and for him to see that he nearly had the multi verse collide because of him trying to change one thing for him? Again please help me understand because my logic is hey ima pay the family of this man for a small cgi part helping them out even further because we appreciated what the man did by being arguably the best superman ever. And while we are at it. We appreciate the majority of the other alterations that coexisted so we’ll add these other characters in their different worlds as a tiny yet shiny moment for what DC has


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