Pandemic failures

The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the
COVID-19 pandemic

14th September 2022

WHO response

WHO acted too cautiously and too slowly

Several important matters

To warn about human transmissibility of the virus

To declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

To support international travel protocols designed to slow the spread of the virus

(This delay contributed to the spread of the virus and limited the possibilities for risk mitigation.)

To endorse the public use of face masks as protective gear

To recognise the airborne transmission of the virus.

(These delayed and vague recommendations from WHO continued until late April, 2021.)

Just 1 example, after receiving an open letter

From 238 scientists in July, 2020,

asking the organisation to address airborne transmission

WHO did not change until April 30, 2021.

Multiple failures of international cooperation

Too many governments have failed to adhere to basic norms of institutional rationality and transparency,

and the world’s major powers have failed to collaborate to control the pandemic.

Specific points

Lack of timely notification of the initial outbreak of COVID-19

Costly delays in acknowledging the crucial airborne exposure pathway of SARS-CoV-2,

and in implementing appropriate measures at national and global levels to slow the spread of the virus.

Lack of coordination among countries regarding suppression strategies

Failure of governments to examine evidence and adopt best practices for controlling the pandemic,

and managing economic and social spillovers

Shortfall of global funding for low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs)

Failure to ensure adequate global supplies and equitable distribution of key commodities,

protective gear, diagnostics, medicines, medical devices, and vaccines

Lack of timely, accurate, systematic data

Infections, deaths, viral variants, health system responses, and indirect health consequences

Again the report raised lab leak possibility

Poor enforcement of appropriate levels of biosafety regulations in the lead-up to the pandemic,

raising the possibility of a laboratory-related outbreak

Failure to combat systematic disinformation

Lack of global and national safety nets to protect populations experiencing vulnerability.

As of May 31, 2022

There were 6·9 million reported deaths and 17·2 million estimated deaths from COVID-19

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

This staggering death toll is both a profound tragedy and a massive global failure at multiple levels.

Sustainable development process

Set back by several years,

Deep underfinancing, Sustainable Development Goals and,

aims of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Previous publications

Lancet 2021

Lancet Jan 2022


33 thoughts on “Pandemic failures”

  1. I read all of these comments and I feel happy for the people that understood something from the past two years. I can't hide that I'm still impressed by the amount of people that needed to be hit personally to see how our society works. I can share my experience: I have a normal life and kept it this way all long this volontary madness, nothing changed to me. I discussed the real matters with people, few, that I perceived as normal and smiled to all the other ones(aka the norm), like you smile to a children that just did and said something really stupid; you don't get mad at them, leave them be life will take care of them one way or another. I thought for brief moments why it really changed nothing to me and the explanations comes out of self discipline, culture the real one, being honest to self and face the facts for what they are living emotions aside.

  2. not sure anyone mentioned this, or you will see it since it is already 2 days old and there are lots of comments. President Trump wanted to stop the planes arriving in NY from China. He was called a racist and Nancy Pelosi ( Speaker of the House) and Chuck Schumer ( too long in office Senator) made a big political statement by walking the streets of NY citie's Chinatown, unmasked!!

  3. The failed response could be blamed on incompetence, with those in leadership positions utterly ignorant of science, yet utterly pleased to be making irresponsible policy decisions and forcing them on us common cattle. However, supposedly educated and informed advisors also promoted contradictory, whimsically changing, and even absolutely scientifically fallacious or groundless policy advice. This counterproductive and actually harmful situation continued (and is even now continuing) in spite of hard, documented evidence that proves the harm.
    It is just barely conceivable that such pure and simple, willful incompetence and foolishness could "accidentally" occur globally, with very few exceptions, unless someone is benefitting from it.
    Control-hungry politicians could benefit from having their egos stroked; Big Pharma and its minions could be motivated by pure greed; the medical and scientific experts who either collaborated or simply remained silent could have feared loss of employment, grant monies, social prestige, etc.
    OR – this could have been intentional, and from the point of view of self-professed eugenics freaks like Bill Gates (possibly the major personal influencer of WHO poolicy) and the self-advertising World Economic Forum and their Great Reset ilk, this result would appear to them to be absolutely successful, contributing to social disruption, population decline, "addiction" to profitable and never-ending vaxxxination boosters, and widespread fear for personal safety amongst the population, making them easier to shape and bully.

  4. Just another pureblood passing by. I smoke weed every day as I've done for 30 years. My respiratory system is clean, my brain is working fine, I have a six pack and I have no idea why these the overweight triple vaxxed "doctors" are frothing at the mouth because I won't let me them jab me, tf 😑

  5. Cherry picking some stats about lockdowns. LOL. You make it sound as if lockdowns were to servere, where if you read whole report it is suggested lockdowns were not followed by governments properly or timely enough.

  6. China is responsible for any and all costs due to the pandemic, because of their failure to communicate their experience with the virus and contributed to the worldwide spread of it. The after effects are still reverberating from this world wide terror attack.

  7. Pandemic Failure?
    Retired nurse John Campbell, a previously well-respected public health educator turned misinformer, turned disinformer, turned crank, all in the space of twelve months. Shameful unprofessional behaviour and an embarrassment to his profession, and during a deadly pandemic.

  8. I'm convinced the "over population " , and "limited resources " people have co opted the highest authorities in the world to depopulate the planet to "save the earth from "climate change" and head off a massive catastrophic/cataclysmic event. Just kill off the excess population and bring it down to a "sustainable " level of 500 million upon planet earth. There has never been a "group" more wrong and more evil in earth's history. The irony is that they are educated ,wear suits ,and think they know better than anyone else.

  9. CHINA stopped flights within China if they originated in Wuhan. President Trump was excoriated as a racist for stopping flights from China. The Democrat (Leftist) "leaders" of the world screwed us all.

  10. My 34-year old son has steadfastly refused the jab and I am glad. If you have a child who is under 40, please do some research on your own. The adverse effects of the jabs are out there.

  11. One can only conclude, that the whole situation has been deliberately played out. What would a normal man and woman do, in this situation ?. Probably a he'll of a lot better then your corporate government.

  12. Amathia is the true pandemic of the human race. Most don't ever realise they suffer from it, and it causes all of the evil in the world.

    At least according to Socrates. I've gotta say, watching the patterns of history… seems like he was onto something. What can we do about it? Perhaps the reintroduction of psychedelics and spirituality into everyday life would alleviate the worst symptoms we are experiencing. At the very least we need to stop assisting those who are infected with amathia, or else they'll continue to prosper off of our knowledge, compassion and energy.

    Best of luck everybody.

  13. "In Australia "medical professionals", after analysing new scientific data, have found that only by allowing teachers back into classrooms after docking their pay, will they not be at risk of transmitting covid to the rest of the public."

    This is the level of scientific empiricism that the Australian government has chosen as their baseline.

    This is truly a terrifying time. It makes me wonder, at what point in history will this particular genocide be acknowledged? Of the Ten Stages of Genocide, we're at least at stage 4 and arguably at stage 6.

  14. What we've learned is that government run agencies are completely incapable of controlling serious worldwide pandemics. The public begins to scrutinize these organizations to such a degree that health managers and politicians go into cover you ass mode and at that point everything just implodes.

  15. Best summarization of the initial (and continuing) failures of governments efforts to perform damage control measure to prevent the millions of unnecessary deaths created by the escape of this virus (however that happened) that I’ve heard to date! I fear these failures will have such negative consequences for years to come that will be impossible to fully measure. I, for one, have lost all respect for the FDA, CDC, NIH and the WHO, just to name a few. And earning respect takes time. Thank you so much for your continuing efforts to try bringing these issues to light. So far you are continuing to bring these truths to light, where others have tried and lost their careers in the process! Kudos to you Dr. John. Please keep it up!


    I'm beginning to suspect that there is/still a good amount of diabolical activities relating to the pandemic such as a ''witch's curse'' that has and is controlling the level of truth to confirm to the public and it comes in the form of ''spiritual censorship'' through putting people in silos/bubbles and depending on the cubicle you find yourself in determines how much information you pull out from the pandemic machinery (such as pulling from a magnetic field based on your strength and ionic charge). This is called ''complot'' and may have fragmented all the ''good governance'' structures that have bonded humanity from creation and for that the creation of life and livelihoods has to start from scratch. Medical science does not always hold the entirety of the answers that we seek for. Therefore, there is a reason for social sciences so as to understand the contribution of human behaviour in its social and cultural aspects. We need to link all the arms of sustainability to get to the crux of the matter. The true origin of the pandemic needs to be out so that scientific community can regain back its reputation as well as therapeutic development be based on good scientific practices and not on probable/plausible evidence. Its only through confirmed evidence we can all move out of the pandemic mesh-work. The lab leak theory or spill over events may just be a ''witch's curse'' that is hiding behind medical practice.

    *Religions 2020, 11, 583; doi:10.3390/rel11110583

  17. I agree with your critics, but I disagree with the conclusion.
    WHO should NOT have any advisory or regulatory "powers" at all!
    Further, I followed you since the beginning of covid and you helped me a lot understanding its biology, however oftentimes I couldn't help but thinking that when it comes to politics and economics, you seem somehow naive …
    You always trusted these idiots, and when not – like here – you asked for them to do … more.
    MORE of the same bullshit?


    Now back to you Lancet article:
    Are you familiar with the FOIA request for the Fauci communication?
    Obviously not …
    Take your time and listen to this US congressional hearing from July 2021:
    Do your research and check what's presented/claimed there!
    (at 4:15 he presents a list of the persons "invited" to that telephone conference: take a closer look at them!!!)


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