The Five Purposes of God's Blessings – Part 3 (13/10/22)

By Dr. Ian Ndlovu

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18 thoughts on “The Five Purposes of God's Blessings – Part 3 (13/10/22)”

  1. Thank you pastor for being truthful however hurtful it might be. I believe in this last days God is raising preachers who will say as it is..John the Babtist to prepare the church fir his coming.

  2. The books of Daniel, Revelations talk of a war that is coming where Russia will lead Persia/Iran, Turkey and others to attack Israel because of boots (its wealth) Israel currently is replacing Russia as supplier of gas to Europe and the gas to Europe is Russia's lifeline economically. The temptations might be there but as prophet has said it could signify the end of the end….Messiah is close


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