The Fallout Dust Lore Series – Episode 7: The Tribes of the Divide

The Fallout Dust Lore Series is a standalone series dedicated to covering the story of the Fallout: New Vegas mod DUST Survival Simulator as well as a tribute series hoping to pay homage to ShoddyCast’s original Storyteller Lore Series.

This project is entirely a fan-made creation and is not associated with Shoddycast or any of the original creators of their lore series. You can find the series that inspired this one here:

ShoddyCast’s channel:

Narrator/Writer/Editor – Scott Thomas
Co-Editor/Boyfriend – Gabe Isaacs
Script Editors – Henry Galley, Charlie Porritt, & Gabe Isaacs
Motion Graphics – Nick Heilman
Special Thanks to ShoddyCast


39 thoughts on “The Fallout Dust Lore Series – Episode 7: The Tribes of the Divide”

  1. I've really been looking forward to this episode, almost as much as I have for the fate of Joshua Graham and the Tribes of Honest Hearts, and that one cheeky Fo3 bit that was thrown in there.

    It’s honestly a shame that the Divide was as underutilized as it was, and how much love and attention was packed into something completely optional, out of the way, easy to miss, and without much reward to gain from going through it. The story is nice, but once you’ve gone through it once, there really isn’t much incentive to go through it on repeat playthroughs. The loot is useful, but if you’re there, you’ve most likely arrived when you’re at the end of your playthrough, making it relatively redundant. And should you book it straight to the Divide, it’s going to be insanely difficult, further deterring you from even attempting it. If I was the only way into Zion, or lead to another ending, or even if the key you needed was located at the end of the Divide, it would have made it more important, and gave you more reason to even go through it.

    As it stands the Divide is mostly pointless from a purely gameplay and incentive perspective. If there was another update that fixed many of the bugs present in Dust, and resolved this issue, I’m sure it would have made the Divide much more worthwhile. It just sucks that all this love and attention, mostly goes to waste since hardly anyone goes to the Divide due to the difficulty and the lack of any real rewards that could even be considered valuable enough to take on the massive risk, time and resource investment going through it takes. That’s if you even figure out how to get to it to begin with, most people simply walk right past it, or don’t even know that it exists to begin with.

    Love the video and series by the way, I’m really looking forward to the Zion episode, and the Brotherhood of Steel episode. Those two are going to be really interesting, and the way you present them is just as much of a draw as the subject itself. Keep up the great work! And thanks for the video, I’m just really glad Dust is getting some well deserved love, it may be fairly old, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less amazing and have as much love put into it as the base game itself.

  2. what happens if you go to ceasers is it over run by crazy tribals or tunnelers fortress is ceaser remains still there and I am still confused why didn't the courier fled to big mountain he could have built a new securitron army and better yet could have dispersed the cloud from the mojave but I still don't know how will the dust storm be dealt with from the divide tho and wait why did both the dead horses and sorrows tribe attacked them so does that mean the bad ending of honest hearts In dust is canon where the courier turned joshua graham into a warload and the tribes saw mercy as the weapon for the weak and so had become no better than the raiders in the mojave anyway do you all agree that Scott should do more series like fallout 4 frost fallout new vegas obscurum pandemic skyrim enderenal metro exodus stalker chernobyl neir automa control witcher mass effect beyond good and evil destiny wolfenstein dishourned saint row fable for honor and assassin creed oh yeah one last thing i just realized that all the dlcs in dust all have bad endings so that means that the courier isn't good or bad he may have a good motive but that comes with it's bad execution so it's safe to say the courier is a total jackass jerk

  3. Hell, I knew the divide marked men made out just well enough to even drive the tunnelers away from the divide all together. But I wasn't expecting them to be forming a proto-city of sorts, that's pretty impressive.
    Now to see the absolute shitfest that Zion will be in the next episode, we're in for a ride.

  4. This series is inanely well done, like a true successor to the ShoddyCast Storyteller. While I'm adoring the Dust content and I'm hoping it lasts awhile. I wonder if you have any plans for afterward? Is there another mod series you adored? Quest Mod Location Lore videos? Maybe pick up where ShoddyCast left off?

    Just curious. Suppose it doesn't matter in the end, if your projects keep this level of polish and care then Ill support anything.

  5. Given the nature of the divide and the kind of weaponry they would have access to, I have to wonder why especially after the 2nd attack that the dust walkers wouldn't just collapse the tunnel with C4 it seems like it would've been the best solution.

  6. Aren’t the Marked Men supposed to be like, almost entirely mindless? Operating only on anger for the Divide itself, yet reverent in protecting it? Seems weird to have them as some suddenly amazing tribe because one of them said so.

    I know it’s all weird, cause it’s a mod, but this one thing is weirder to me.

  7. Is it just me or does Juneid wear the robe of a BoS scribe? , if he's a Brotherhood deserter from the now more aggressive and ruthless BoS Mojave chapter. Would make sense why he's a pacifist, and all about society building and protection of the tribes in the Divide at least.


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