The Fake Doctor Who Was Obsessed With a Corpse

How far would you go for the person you love most in this world? For Carl Tanzler, he would travel to the ends of the universe…literally. His fondness for a patient that he was treating for tuberculosis spiraled into a morbid obsession that couldn’t be contained.

00:00 – Intro
01:11 – Carl Tanzler
05:50 – Sickly Obsession
10:25 – The Jig is Up
14:25 – Later Years
16:34 – Outro

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thank you for watching! i love you all and stay safe


22 thoughts on “The Fake Doctor Who Was Obsessed With a Corpse”

  1. Wow i remember watching a video about this way back when YouTube was still new I glad you made a video about this it’s quite intriguing to say the least Great job on explaining this to us the viewers it was very detailed and informative especially the way you explained everything furthermore it brings insight on how things were before in the times before the tuberculosis antibiotic streptomycin was invented in 1944 but I do agree. It is a very very bizarre story indeed. And I don’t think that was normal procedure for practitioners to do after somebody dies from tuberculosis yet this is a true story which adds an extra layer of the weirdness of it all who knows what was going through his mind during those days, but I know this is not common practice to do with the deceased, and this should be looked at from a educational standpoint, as stated from you in the beginning of this video


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