The Expanse 5×06 'Tribes' Reaction!

Hey everyone we’re back with another fantastic episode of The Expanse ! DRUMMER IS SO SMART IN THIS ONE!

The way she figured out that Naomi was there, intentional or not ,was amazing

Alex and Bobbie had their own action scene too which was great to see Alex space walk!

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0:00 Intro
2:17 Reaction
19:45 Discussion


33 thoughts on “The Expanse 5×06 'Tribes' Reaction!”

  1. All this talk about this war being "Marco's war" ruining "cosy Belters' lives they led for past 130yrs" is Writer Diarrhea. Opposition always exists, but its importance depends on circumstances. Here we have Belters that would "blow up" Earth 50yrs ago if they could, and now they can..
    Also "Marco would let Filip die for him" while in 4×10, we saw Marco being a bait, while Filip on tactical location..
    As for entire ship blowing up due to hand sized grenade planted on the engine cone? No. Engine cones are made of material extremely heat resistant, would be just a "puff of smoke" maybe cracking part of the cone, before getting consumed by the drive plume of the engine run by fusion reactor. And how the hell these two refueled and restarted this fusion reactor, with no tools nor fuel and all in less than a minute or two?? 🤷
    Post impact Earth, also not very good, for example, rock small like this, just has no volume to ever displace enough material to "block the sun", unless one is close to the epicenter the same day it hit..

  2. So about “dumping the core”, from other media like Star Trek the writers always show it as ejecting the actual reactor mechanism which then blows up in spectacular fashion. This makes sense for Star Trek where their reactor is using antimatter which will blow up like a mega sized nuke if they lose containment. I don’t think that’s the case for The Expanse.

    From what they’ve shown us the reactor cores in The Expanse are a form of laser ignition, inertially confined fusion which is a real thing. You zap a fuel pellet with high powered lasers and it fuses releasing energy in the form of high temperature plasma. Fusion reactors don’t explode like antimatter or even fission reactors.

    The ship reactors/drives in The Expanse would likely use magnetic fields to confine the plasma from the fusion reaction, extract the heat and turn it into electricity. They also likely feed the plasma into the thrusters.

    Real life plasma thrusters like VASIMR take hot plasma and magnetically accelerate it out a magnetic nozzle to create thrust.

    The Screaming Firehawk née Razorback probably takes its hot reactor plasma and feeds it through the Epstein Drive for propulsion.

    What I think Alex did was eject ALL the hot plasma directly out of the reactor through the main thruster. The hot dense plasma would hide them from the torpedos sensors and make a nice thermal target for it. It would make sense from a safety standpoint point to have an emergency reactor shutdown sequence that dumps the hot plasma to space if you’ve got an imminent containment failure that’s going to fry your reactor if you don’t. Especially for small high performance reactors like would be on a racing ship where you would expect to be running at the ragged edge to eke out every watt of power.

    After ejecting the core Alex would then have to restart the reactor and drive before they could get underway again but they would still have their reactor and Epstein drive.

    Wow this turned out longer than I expected.

  3. No spoilers, just wanted to say that it is very, VERY interesting to hear you argue about who lives and who dies, knowing everything that happens in the books up to and including the final trilogy.

  4. 22:44 a lot of the stations and ports in the Belt (and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn) are controlled by Earth and Mars even though the people who live and work there are mostly Belters. the Inners' imperialism is the whole problem

  5. Amos told Peaches essentially that he wanted to help her because someone (Lydia) helped him. He's trying to be her "Lydia." Mike is right, they're not the same. The difference is that Peaches was raised to be a "nice person." She went on class trips, had a soft life, planned parties. Her period of evil was out of character for her. So, while he can keep her alive, she still has a moral compass that he doesn't have. What she fears is being the monster she temporarily was during her period of evil. Yes, Mike is also right that Amos has taken "monsters are not afraid" as saying that he must be a monster. But actually, Amos does have a fear. He fears being a monster, which is why he clings to people who have moral compasses. Therefore, he's not the monster he thinks he is.

    Marco did not present a "whole plan" for food. He just tossed out a prepared response. That "lean decade" he spoke of so casually will be very lean indeed.

    The happenings on the Behemoth were open news (thanks to Monica). The fact that Filip didn't know the story suggests he's so enmeshed in Marco's cult that he's not even checking the headlines of outside information. But not all Belters were that enmeshed in Marco's cult. The discussion we saw among Drummer's family is what must be going on among Belters all over the Belt. We know that two factions had voted to kill Marco, and he probably carries a grudge.

    If I had to vote right now for someone's self-sacrifice, it ought be Naomi, it will probably be Bobbie or Alex, but there are nine books in the saga, so I'd vote for "none of the above" in the course of the six books that have been televised.

  6. Good lively discussion guys. While I enjoyed Drummer's meeting with Marco the most in this episode, I also loved some little things like Amos being self-aware enough to recognize a need to get back to his crew and Avasarala's putting on of her jewelry like it was battle armor or something. Shohreh Aghdashloo is so good in this show.

  7. Great reaction!
    Drummer may feel something is not right with the meeting with Marco, she doesn't completely know what's up! Remember she now has her own family ( her crew) she has to think about!
    Mike and Mikey were so easily accepting of the idea of killing the prepper and taking his stuff. Interesting? Clarissa was right, that's not what even not so good people trying to live a good life would do! Also Joe made an excellent point about Amos! He's never afraid! Remember he said the way he sees life is there three types of people. Ones you follow, ones you protect, and bad ones. Amos isn't someone to follow and he doesn't need protection so…..
    But also remember what Eric said " You've changed!" Amos is changed but still needs his crew!
    Looking forward to the next one! It's a tough one!

  8. Great episode, no real comments. As others have said, I think Amos wants to be to Clarissa as Lydia was to him. To teach her how to save herself.
    I don't think Amos has any romance in him, and sex isn't really any more to him thank drinking with someone, so I don't think we're looking at a love interest.

  9. Notice that Marco is always about sending others, his "loyal soldiers," to kill other people, however, he does not do so himself, because he is a coward. He did not even kill Klaes Ashford. He just put him in an airlock and vented it to space leaving himself at least one remove from his actions. He had Naomi plant the virus on the Augustin Gamera. Manipulative, gaslighting, and cowardly.

  10. Marco's lieutenant may know about Camina Drummer's temper, however, she does not appear to have learned that if Drummer decides she needs to shoot you, not having her own pistol is not going to stop her.

  11. Man the story is just getting more and more intense, love the reactions to it.👌
    Drummer is such a cool character, but Cara Gee's acting for it is just outstanding! The coldness, the eyes, damn. ❤

  12. Notice that when asked about food, Marco does not say anything concrete. It is all rhetoric to enhance his self-importance. He really cannot even rely on the worlds beyond the Ring, because as we have seen with Illus/New Terra it is a challenge to get an Earth-like biome up and running, providing that the crushing gravity does not kill the Belters who go down to the surface. Or perhaps he plans to enslave the UN and Martian colony ships waiting at the Sol-ring? but he never says that, either. Marco never says anything specific about his plan.

  13. Clarissa's mod was originally designed for frontline UN military but was mothballed because while it provides an incredible burst of speed and strength, it only lasts a few seconds, and then the user crashes and is knocked unconscious due to fatigue.

  14. Mikey ❤ Mike ❤ Joe 😒😒😭 we don’t agree much on the expanse and that’s ok but the emoji stays.

    I think it’s very telling how much Cyn loves both Naomi and Marco despite their relationship and have come to blows with Marco in the past so this isn’t some subordinate. That man raised him, inspired him from the jump even and Naomi for that matter.

    So we got an emotionally and physically abusive household all speaking Belters of Naomi’s former family back on the ship.

    I wish they had the time to see her being afraid to slip back into that routine and there was much positive things she would have missed inspire of all the tragedy.

  15. 27:33 I'd say Drummers preexisting knowledge gave her advantage that let her pass on the Insight check. I see you DnD nerds! (and then I cry, because I live so secluded and I have none to play with, I have tried digitally, but that don't work for me)

  16. Drummer is stuck between a rock and a hard place; even if she wanted to sacrifice herself for revenge she’d risk people she loves and have their own ideas.

    Marco assumes like himself Drummer is a spurned lover and Naomi left her the inners so he was trying to dig at how here’s someone else that knows your mom and abandoned but didn’t expect her to say and by doing so saved all the people in the galaxy.

    So now here’s an ally of his fathers who tells Filip your mom is a hero and he’s surprised until his father tells him with a look to shut it. He prob doesn’t even know her prescribe on the ship is supposed to be a secret.

    That look they shared was Drummer so close to the taken child of her best friend and seeing Naomi in him considering the pain she must feel right now as they’ve had no contact.

    Marco upon seeing his narrative of the inner lover Belter antagonist he’s told his son his mother is, is evaporating.

    When it comes to his mother he isn’t willing to let his chance to know her go and finding that out shows she isn’t quite what his father says.

  17. Now, that discussion has degenerated nicely at the end. 😉

    Watched today, I could watch it yesterday but Godzilla Minus One was just too good movie to ignore, so cinema won.

    Tribes. There is good choice of tribes in this episode – Drummer's family, Clarissa's idea of a community, Amos and his crew he realised solely misses to guide him, tiny Martian crew dealing with pursuit, Holden creating a force to take down another Belter ship, the super large Earther tribe building new government and Marco Inaros idea of a future Belter nation.

    Clarissa. I absolutely love that the series doesn't leave this character behind because easily disposable villains are way too numerous and well written redemption arcs too rare even if we need such examples. Bad people are humans too and it is much more interesting if and how they can change and redeem themselves. Preferably not in a quick act of self-sacrifice, which is kinda lazy as far as writing is concerned, but in genuine change. I liked a lot how Ashford became far from a adversary, but was just wrong as people tend to be. Clarissa is much more demanding subject of a redemption arc, so it is great to see how she could change and what will be the final result.

    Marco Inaros. A fascinating villain. I think it is the opposite of Ashford or Clarissa – the more we know about this man the less likely is that he will change. A charismatic, very smart leader with either a messiah complex or plain super-narcissist warlord. The way he treats Naomi is quite revealing in that regard.
    It is interesting how he builds his tribe, uniting factions by tributes sent to his ship/-s and sending something to an overseer or a political officer to secure loyalty of different leaders. It is even more interesting that despite he has just sent a close companion to a Drummer's ship he still looked like he was thinking about destroying her faction. Not sure it is a good idea to be close to this man – he seems too ready to sacrifice his companions.

    Naomi. I like her a lot in this season. Perhaps because I've realised her whole story is a redemption arc and now we are after this arc is done. Now she could save Filip, perhaps more people, but how many friends does she have on Pella?

    Alex. Just a quick note that how scary it would be to jump on another ship in space – both ships are moving, one is rotating and if you are hit or you miss you might drift for who knows how long if you are not killed by a blast or debris from that exploding Belter ship you've mined a while before.

    Regards TM

  18. Love your discussion about who might or might not die. From the perspective of someone who's read all 9 books 😁

    [Remember, the tv show only covers books 1-6, there are 3 more as yet unmade]


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