HOI4 Black Ice – If Necessary for Years, if Necessary Alone – Part 17

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12 thoughts on “HOI4 Black Ice – If Necessary for Years, if Necessary Alone – Part 17”

  1. You mad man. You managed to midway the Japanese twice with a bunch of obsolete converted carriers and the ark royal.

    Cunningham will be getting a column put next to Nelson here

    Also, I love the mental image of after years of war, successfully beating the Japanese and Italians, and holding back the Germans, the British Army have finally "right, I suppose we should stop messing around now and get some tank things rolling out."

  2. Minor thing, just wanna point out that Japan declared at almost the same they did in real life – can't remember but it was either 7th or 8th December 1941, I remember thinking 'huh that's really close to reality!' – you said several times in this video that it started in jan 1942! Still, fantasticly impressive showing by the Royal Navy!

  3. Watching this my tactical assessment has changed slightly, I for sea three possible options.

    Operation Southern Typhoon
    Once Indo-China has been liberated launch an amphibious invasion of Taiwan than bypass Okinawa and hit the home islands directly know with your vast navel superiority (Inhales RULE BRITTANIA!) getting the Royal Marines to the beaches shouldn't be an issue its taking them but the majority of the imperial army should be in the mainland so best case scenario you can fight through the defensive garrisons and intercept the reinforcing army's and hopefully take all of Japan and if their vassals ant considered majors, which does happen in Vanilla from time to time you may be able to bring the war in the pacific to an end freeing up vast amount of man power from the east into Europe, however the worst case scenario is that you take the southern tip, being bogged down in Japan, eating up resources, manpower and having to slowly fight your way up the islands, but hopefully the ai will rapidly bring soldiers home eating their supply and take forces out of the fight in Asia. But this will heavily divert your attention from Europe and leaves Soviets to take the full blunt of the Reich can we take the risk or another point of view what if the Soviets solo Germany and all of east and central Europe falls to the red menace.

    Operation Neptune
    With the destruction of the Imperial Japanese navy the threat to our far east colonies is minor, and with the Americans know in the war, plus the Chines United front I suggest the following, first secure Indo-China than established a strong enough garrison army/navy, then we take are Royal Marines to Africa and launch an invasion to Italy, we could first strike at Corsica then Sardinia which in theory consolidates the remnants of the Regia Marina on the main land allowing us to concentrate are bombing effort then strike Sicily or bypass them and strike Sicily first either way opening a fourth front might sound contour productive but presumably the majority Royal Italian army/Air force should be held up in the eastern or Yugoslavian campaign which means that if an invasion is launched they will either pull troops out of Yugoslavia, the eastern front, or possibly the Atlantic wall, no matter were they come from will weaken their respective fronts and give either us the opportunity of liberating more of Yugoslavia or (more ambitiously ilea admit) Overlord into France, or give the Soviets breathing space. Not to mention dispending on the amount of Resistance we could seize a sizeable amount of Italy possibly Roma itself, know historically the fascist party outed Mousseline, gave power to the king and did the old change side bit and joined the Allies, but a large German garrison was still in north Italy which led to the creation of the Italian Social Republic a Puppet state of Germany, basically leading to a civil war in Italy, now i will admit I now nothing about Black ice but its possible this could play out. No matter the outcome opening this fourth front has a lot of risk to it but the possibility of completely securing the Med and bringing the fist major Axis member down.

    Operation Check
    Know matter what you decide whether to prioritise the Japanese or the Italians you will need more Royal Marines, infantry, tanks not to mention that both Operation Southern Storm and Neptune heavily depend upon the majority of their respective garrisons are week enough to allow an easy landing and that they can not reinforce easily, now what I recommend is that we liberate Indo-China then we stop all offensives and build are strength, in this time we can further are development of amphibious invasions as well as are military's and we wait and see what are enemy's next move is, plus at this moment in time Great Brittan and her empire are safe guarded by the Royal Navy, the skies are clear thanks to brave men from across Britain and occupied Europe none of are enemy's have the capacity of rebuilding their respective navy's to challenge use. Now some may rightly argue that we do not have the time, the longer we wait the further the Germans get into the motherland, the weaker the red army gets and that we need a decisive strike against are enemy's to help ease pressure of the Soviets, and all this is true but answer me this what is the benefit of a failed operation? What happens if his majesty's finest are killed in a foolish attacked that gains us nothing in this war? No body wants another Gallipoli if we are to dedicate the time, manpower and rescores we must be absolute sure that it is successful, not to mention in Africa we have Vichy France which at any moment could pounce on use and in the middle east Iran which holds are oil fields hostage and has now joined the Axis, threatening both Iraq and India. If his majesty's government deems it necessary an invasion of Iran may be necessary to insure that we ca fuel the ships and planes that safe guard us and how are we supposed to fight in these conditions? We need to secure are lines, build up are strength, and only when we are ready, Strick!

    I know this is a lot and no sane person will reed all this but I hop that the insight of a random person on the internet will help you in any shape or form will aid in the destruction of the Axis and the continued existence of the British Empire, Rule Britannia!

  4. Oh and historically British tank doctrine was light tanks were scouts, heavy tanks, the Churchill to name example were infantry tanks and were meant, as the name suggests support the infantry due to their slow speed, plus to break through enemy lines, and once their was a breach in the line cavalry tanks, medium tanks were meant to get behind enemy lines and hearse or surround them. This is a simplification and the The British Tank Meme video by Potential History goes into far more detail and also the designs of British tanks. Not advertising him or anything, just that he can provide more accurate information than me.


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