The Execution Of The German General Shot On Hitler's Direct Orders

Throughout the Second World War, there were a number of German generals who were responsible for war crimes against civilians. One of those was Gustav Heistermann von Ziehlberg, a very experienced commander who had served Germany in the army for around 30 years. He saw action on the Eastern Front and also in Italy, and whilst here he was known to have ordered the executions of prisoners of war. But von Ziehlberg would be linked to a failed plot to assassinate Hitler, and with this the Dictator furiously ordered action to be taken against him.

Von Ziehlberg had been ordered to arrest his staff officer but he refused to do this, and because of this he was placed under suspicion and was linked to the July 20th Plot, or the failed bombing of Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair, that left Hitler injured. Because of this, von Ziehlberg was court-martialled and Hitler personally ordered his execution and the courtroom even regarded the death sentence as unfair. Close to the Olympic Stadium in Berlin the experienced General was executed by a firing squad.

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31 thoughts on “The Execution Of The German General Shot On Hitler's Direct Orders”

  1. Claus Von Stauffenberg’s great grand nephew Phillip is a friend of mine. He is a very successful breeder and seller of thoroughbred horses in Bavaria.

  2. Eu nĂŁo entendo como milhĂ”es de pessoas foram enganados por um psicopata e criminoso chama do Hitler…uma pessoa medĂ­ocre e raivoso…trouxe para o povo alemĂŁo uma verdadeira tragĂ©dia.. ele mesmo um covarde quando se viu perdido suicidou -se…um covarde. .!!

  3. It’s wild to me that the court sided with him the first time but had no choice to try him again under Hitler’s orders. A legal institution as crooked as the Third Reich and even they’re disheartened they have to allow the tyrant to subvert the law and execute him.

  4. In a way he was lucky, when Hitler wanted to be really nasty with someone he ordered them to hanged not with a rope noose, but by piano wire. Canaris, along with a few others were stripped naked and hanged on a butcher's hook.

  5. Hitler was a female. Look at peoples bone structures. Forensic anthropology does not lie. FYI, these tranny inverts are in all top positions in every industry world wide. Check it out for yourself. Be informed to protect yourself

  6. These people were not heroes but traitors. The majority were all only too willing to support Hitler during the “good” times but when the shit hit the fan and they realized they were going to lose the war, they grew a pair and tried to kill the bastard. Millions had already died on all sides before they developed a conscience. The only true heroes were the British and Americans!

  7. A Chap like that would probably have had a low opinion of Hitler from the start As it was seen as Beneath an Officer's Dignity to get involved with Politics and Political Parties in the Kaiser's Army and the Reichshwher..It Was Hitlers Charm offensive and the Night of the Long Knives that bought the Army and the Officer Corps onto Hitler's side of the Fence so to speak

  8. Are you in a warfare against germans? Or why !? You always pointing your finger against germans? That's kind of a psychological warfare!
    Allied are responsible in time for the death of more than 100 Million humans. But always against germans! Or is it only about money?
    All against germans … Exactly likeback then. Nothing has changed…


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