9 Mutants above OMEGA LEVEL | OMICRON Level – WHO ARE THEY

Franklin Richards was considered beyond omega by the Celestials. He is regarded by Galactus as the most powerful mutant ever born.
However, he isn’t even a mutant. His reality-warping powers made him simulate the X-gene.
Additionally, some very powerful mutants receive varied classifications, such as Vulcan, declared to be something beyond Omega by Prof. Energy, Matthew Malloy, and X-Man.
But it was never something official and just character statements. There is also a mutant named Miranda (Earth-TRN656), who could strongly distort reality and considered herself to be at Omicron level.
These mentions happened at a time when Marvel did not have an official classification as we do today, so omega level was a more loosely used term.

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13 thoughts on “9 Mutants above OMEGA LEVEL | OMICRON Level – WHO ARE THEY”

  1. I just imagine Professor Xavier squinting his eyes at Franklin Richards.
    "Hold on somethings not right here. Ah ha! I knew it. This X gene comes right off. He's a phony!"

  2. Hyperstorm is the son of Franklin Richards & Rachel Summers. You mentioned the "Invisible Woman." As being the daughter of Scott & Jean. This is incorrect. Rachel was known as "Marvel Girl," not the "Invisible Woman."


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