The EVOLUTION of the planet EARTH and humanity in 8 minutes: from the beginning to the present day

The Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago from gas and dust that orbited around the young Sun. Since then, it has undergone a complex process of development, which included the following stages:

• Planet formation: Initially, the Earth consisted of hot gas and dust, which condensed into a giant spherical object that became a planet.

• Layering: During the early stages of Earth’s development, its material condensed, forming different layers: the heaviest material (iron and nickel) went to the center of the planet, forming its core, while the lighter material formed the outer layers.

• Water distribution: Water on Earth originated from comets and other cosmic objects that collided with Earth, delivering water to its surface. Water formed the oceans and seas that covered most of the planet’s surface.

• Atmosphere development: Earth’s atmosphere formed from the emission of gases from the core and outer layers of the planet, as well as under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun on the constituent atoms of the atmosphere. This atmosphere provides conditions for life on Earth and protects it from space radiation.

• Life development: Life appeared on Earth around 3.5 billion years ago when simple microorganisms appeared in an aquatic environment. Later, more complex life forms, including plants, fungi, plants, and animals, appeared on Earth due to the evolutionary process.

• Geological history: Over billions of years, Earth has undergone numerous geological changes, such as volcanic activity, earthquakes, mountain building, glaciation, and others. These changes have shaped the Earth’s surface, forming mountains, lakes, rivers, and other natural phenomena.

• Human impact: In recent centuries, human activity has become an important factor in Earth’s development. Air, water, and soil pollution, deforestation, climate change, and other human impacts have a significant effect on the planet’s ecological system and its future.

Therefore, Earth’s development was a complex process that included the interplay of numerous factors and processes over billions of years.

International Commission on Stratigraphy.
NASA – Visible Earth catalogue
British Geological Society.
Geological Society of America
Gplates – Earthbytes
Paleomap Project – Christopher Scotese.

The Stable Diffusion neural network generates images with a resolution of 512×512 pixels in just a few seconds. Images are converted from text descriptions. In terms of capabilities and quality of the result, Stable Diffusion resembles the DALL-E 2 project, but develops as an open and public one.

A programmer and artist from Belgium, Xander Steenbrugge, using the Stable Diffusion neural network, generated a three-minute video from the birth of the universe to the death of mankind. The programmer used 36 consecutive phrases to create the video.

#earth history #neural network #artificial intelligence #history of the world


47 thoughts on “The EVOLUTION of the planet EARTH and humanity in 8 minutes: from the beginning to the present day”

  1. 🇺🇸🇹🇷🏰🚏⛲️🚈🗺️💒🏦🏥🏪🏚️🌉🌌🌃🏙️🌆🌁🌄🌠🛣️🗾🎇🎆🏞️🌇🌅📱📲🖥️💻⌨️🖱️🖨️🔚🔙🔜🔝🔛🎶🕔🃏🎴👩🏽‍🦳💬🀄️

  2. And a huge shout out to Paleozoo and Bruce Currie's wonderful animations of the transforming Earth – that you happily lifted and incorporated without any creditation. Although you did manage to use the "Key References" that Paleozoo also provided. Very tired of people going to the extra effort of not only lifting but removing any Paleozoo creditations in their mash-ups. Very tired.


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