The Evolution of Rational Monsters

Dr. Michael Bryant is a professor of History and Legal Studies at Bryant University. Dr. Jonny Hudson has a Ph.D. in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Bret talks with the two of them about Jonny’s recent dissertation which applies an evolutionary lens to the Holocaust.


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26 thoughts on “The Evolution of Rational Monsters”

  1. @1.22 Bret, try to dig deeper into the energy scarcity issue and the current proposed ban on exporting LNG from the US to see if you can see the common denominator of aggression in the geopolitical arena. Explanations for human actions are never simple. They are multilayered and interwoven but the resources that fuel human actions are fundamental.

  2. Why no discussion of the requirements for membership in the various evolutionarily competitive groups? Judaism, like it's similarly aged evolutionary religious strategies, DOES NOT allow just anyone to join. The more evolutionarily evolved davidian sects religious strategies do. 1 in 400 humans on earth are in the less evolved group while 1 in 3 and 1 in 2 humans on earth are in one of two more evolutionarily advanced davidian sects that allow anyone to join their group. 1 in 6 are in one of three Vedic sects that have varying degrees of genetic requirements for inclusion, leaning toward a place allowed for all who wish to join. I do not see this discussed.

  3. The Arians….. I'm reading Jesus Last of the Pharos by Ralph Ellis. He says the Egyptians worshipped the Apis Bull as it was the age of Taurus. On spring equinox the sun rose in the sign of Taurus.
    We entered the age of Aries, the ram, a male sheep, some of the priest class understood and the Shepard Kings were born. The people though, were reluctant to change their religious practices. So a schism occurred. The Arians and the Taureans went to war, the same race but as time had passed the stars had shifted. Can that be it? The cause of all our troubles is nothing more than procession of the equinoxes? Its laughable.

  4. Religious strategy: allow female religious group members to mate and assimilate wealthy outgroup males while removing from the group males who choose sexually attractive females. 1950s simpleton gender (money=male bimbo) take, I know, but why no discussion of this strategy's effect?

  5. ¿ all but confucian, animist, tribal[sic, read other small %] religious adherence systems from similar genetic background regardless of modern adherents' genetics ? Even confucian you can say is not such a system or vedically informed…

  6. 6:44 the way we overcome this is by manipulating our minds into understanding that togetherness and things anti holocaust are in our best interest and the return is our continued survival and thriving species. If we can get it into our collective consciousness to maintain a power in numbers mentality like when we were not at the top of the food chain we can overcome these “selfish” tendencies that are needed when we don’t have conscious clarity.

  7. It seems disgust at others as a valuable adaption is decreasing with outcrossing, kinda hard to put on the hood and go to the rally when your grandbabies would be the strange fruit is what I have seen.

  8. I admire the work done through this channel, but here, I think you completely missed the totalitarianism part of nazism. Here, I want to direct to Hannah Arrendt's work, ''The Origins of Totalitarianism''.

    At first, what I draw out of Arrendt's interpretation is, that totalitarian states cannot only be described through evolutionary lenses if we are to capture their true form and function, as these systems tried to abolish natural law and enforce a man-made law to nature (a product of a single dominant will, the will of the leader), therefore to function outside what we could call ''natural limits''.

    The totalitarian phenomenon at its ''peak performance'', can be described as a force acting towards the radical change of human nature, thus the violent domination over the evolutionary course. The emergence of totalitarianism, according to my reading of Arrendt's work, could be seen as the passing from ''everything is permittable'' to ''everything is possible'', that is to say, from a stance where enforcing itself is not against any natural law (death of god) to a stance where natural laws are bendable (we are to replace god).

    On second thought, however, totalitarian regimes never managed to achieve their goals. A movement against natural law can still be fully understood as a part of natural law, because natural law is all there is.

    But then, natural law is not the same as evolution, as you can still have natural law, even if evolution as a process gets broken or corrupted or manipulated. Then, evolution won't have to vanish as a process of living organisms under a totalitarian world, though the way it works could change. And, in any case, to study totalitarianism only through evolutionary lenses, is the same as trying to see your eyes with your eyes. When two systems become antithentical, to examine their antithesis fully, you have to step outside each system and act as an observer of their relation. Totalitarian society is a phenomenon that opposes evolution as it is, as it corrupts human at its core.

    But again, of course, totalitarian state never came to be true, so we don't know if it is a possible state of things or if it is possible to corrupt human at its core. What happened in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Soviet Union never reached the true monstrosity, as monstrous as it was. Therefore, the antithesis does not apply to a factual opposition. Totalitarianism remains a fantasy, thus what happened in fact, can be fully understood through evolutionary lenses. It is normal for people to fantasize about things that can never come to fruition, and totalitarian state is just another one of these wild fantasies.

    And then, the question emerges; How do we study and understand, through the evolutionary lens, the movement of man, no matter how unrealistic, against evolution, and furthermore, against the natural order of things?

    I am going to stop here. After all, it is only a deep dive into the facts that could help us understand totalitarianism and not some scattered conclusions and arguments. Nevertheless, I don't intend here to convince anyone to anything, rather to direct to a line of thought that I think takes into consideration the totalitarian phenomenon and raises questions about the way of approaching and understanding what happened then, what is happening now, and what could happen.

  9. This ideology is very close to what the Money Power applies to every other bloodline.
    Ironically, the Money Power who financed the defeat of Hitler have the very same ideology as Hitler except it is applied to all other bloodlines.
    Operation CovFeFe was the start of their first effort to put an end to mass bloodlines… by the bloodline’s own hand, which proves they are unfit.
    Only the fit survive.

  10. The topic is important, and disassembles what is otherwise verboten to discuss
    Although I suspect the hope that the conversation would be driven naturally emergent cohesively, but it didn't quite gel, and the discussion needed more structure to the overarching premise of intellectual investigation.
    As a result Jonny Hudson seemed to have 80% of the floor. It could be that the more established professors here wanted to give him more air time since they were already recognized and they wanted him to get more exposed to the community at large. But I think, he did not hold the floor very well, and was more of a parvenu than someone to take the lead.

  11. Do jews behave in a way that is lineage promoting in evolutionary biological sense? ie Promoting in-group and negatively effecting out-group (host) civilisation?

  12. The Darwinian idea of "survival of the fittest" has a very dark side. We have been watching it manifest itself for decades. If you are not wealthy, or Christian, Republican or Democrat, then the future looks grim, indeed.

  13. Folks have a problem with hypersexualization and fettishization of foreign invaders or infiltrators, Pedophiles, war mongers, war profiteers, nationwrecking (Koch Brothers or George Soros, pick your wing), perverts, genital mutilation, threat of nuclear annihilation, infintile sexuality, evolutionary dead-ends for lineage. Bret. How do you think any of this factors into the Evolutionary motivations for Genocide?


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