The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure: The Mars Line (Anunnaki) | Gigi Young

0:00 Intro
1:11 Summary of last two lectures
Lecture 1: Earth Evolution:
Lecture 2: Human Metamorphosis:
3:52: The History of the Mars Line of humanity
10:18 All beings in the solar system are human and developmentally connected
14:03 Martians create a Materialist religion around defying death
16:16 The Two Earths
21:40 Etheric Mars & the Cult of the Black Sun
25:42 The Martians merge with the fallen human-Ape of the lower earth
28:47 The False Alien God origin myth begins and competes with genuine human lineage.
35:22 The two lines of humanity: The line from the Ape and the line from Eve
36:51 Summary/Conclusion

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28 thoughts on “The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure: The Mars Line (Anunnaki) | Gigi Young”

  1. I love how you tube has to put theyre two cents in as a disclaimer….sighting wikipedia of all sources of fact checking.. give it up. let people talk , ponder, etc. no one wants wikipedia of all things as a source for anything……..

    love your work Lyran Lady.

  2. Magaloha Magahalo Very interesting. This clear up a lot of misconceptions. The Deep State Luciferian seems obsessed with Mars. Commander Thor lives in the interior of Mars now but was originally from Nordic Pleidians. He said he was 7D but had to lower himself to 5D to do his humanitarian work here.

  3. Thank you very much,Gigi! These esoteric keys are vital in our evolution process. And these keys clearly defines who and how human beings become who we really are today!
    These informations serve as 'ammunitions' in this spiritual war!

  4. What you're saying runs close to the teachings of the Melchizedeks as taught by Drunvalo, not sure if you're familiar with that knowledge. The Melchizedeks were the only small group who actually passed initiation on Mars and were able to Spiritually evolve (as claimed by them)

  5. "We live side by side with these dark forces, but we are not ruled by them.We are ruled by the force within our own hearts, and if that force is Christ, then we are saved and we rise with the natural rhythm of the cosmos into new beginnings. We move with the sun and with the the grand symphony of the stars and spheres that have contributed to our existence." 38:09

    Thank you Gigi so very much.

  6. I must have missed something. In studying humanity's evolution through Saturn/Sun/Moon/Earth, I've never heard Mars mentioned. Is this a parallel human evolution? Why do so many souls suffer from the actions/ego/ignorance of so few? Hope you cover this in future lectures.

  7. GIGI!! This was a fantastic presentation! Thank you for sharing! It was well worth the listen! My wheels are spinning full blast right now thinking about all the points spoken of. Kudos!!

  8. Thanks, Gigi! These violations of the natural order are destined to fail. No fear, for it is fear and attention that feed that impulse. The dark forces' time to be reabsorbed will come. Humanity's task is to cease feeding the darkness with attention and learn proper control of the movements of the heart.

  9. This was amazing. Received so many chills while listening to this. Man, there's so much I could try to say about all this, but I'll just stick with thanking you ,Gigi, for making these videos. So much appreciated🤗

  10. I ma crying of relief. I have been observing this in the psychic realms without fully being able to fully organize my thoughts around it, until I watched this video. Amazing work, thank you! God bless you 💜🌹

  11. Thank you Gigi. Your skilled weaving is making many links for me as I Hold the Line on Truth in the Trans/Transhuman Agenda gaining such traction, globally. I have a question about Ape Woman – is she Lilith? 🙏🏻❤️


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