THE EMPEROR'S LAST HOPE FOR HUMANITY! The Terminus Decree | Warhammer 40K Lore

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Song: Tunetank – Not Your Hero (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.
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40 thoughts on “THE EMPEROR'S LAST HOPE FOR HUMANITY! The Terminus Decree | Warhammer 40K Lore”

  1. I think it’s instructions for a really powerful WMD that’s under or in the golden throne. It will reveal how to activate it, which will kill everyone and everything on and around terra, giving the emperor enough warp/psychic energy to deal major damage to chaos, whilst also killing any threat on terra. This is just a theory i have from a thing a while back from someone speculating that the golden throne has a wmd in it.

  2. Talked to a friend about this who loves 40k lore. Our best guess was its a simple order to pull all chapters into full retreat to Terra. Pulling all the might of the human race into one concentrated spot in the galaxy.

  3. It's hard to think the Emperor being Maimed and chaos being at the gates of Terra was not "Humanity's darkest hour".

    I think the gray templars fumbled that one.

  4. The orignal scrape of the first receipt from the old ones left by Games workshop. Still fresh with printed ink. Along side weird frogman porn of the oldones and side a prime can of Raid with a note to " Use in case of tyrinids"

  5. "Brother, it is time, open the sacred box and read from the divine parchment"
    "Yes my lord… Cracks seal, unrolls parchment reverently … Oh"
    "Have you been frozen by the forces of chaos, by the throne, what does it say?"
    "Well unless the salvation of the Imperium is: Eggs, milk, bacon and hemorrhoid cream, I think this is his shopping list, the papers must have got mixed up"
    "Well shit"

  6. Here's an idea: "Hey guys, look. I may've failed you all. But there is someone who won't. Here's how to bring him here. May he Rip and Tear, until it is done."
    And after following the instructions…..the Doom Slayer is now in the 40K universe. And he thus leads a one-man genocide against everything that wants humanity dead. Also reforming the Imperium too, as he's always been a softie at heart and does NOT tolerate harm to innocents.

  7. I think it’s what the Horus Heresy books have been hinting at: a genetic kill switch for every single astartes warrior in the galaxy. Press it, and every space marine in the galaxy drops dead. The reality shattering wars stop, humanity is left defenseless but free of the marauding forces of chaos, and the galaxy as we know it ends.


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