The Eleventh Hour S24 #2

Join us today at The Eleventh Hour!

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Live Streamed on 1/9/2024


36 thoughts on “The Eleventh Hour S24 #2”

  1. As you were singing by the Spirit of the Lord Prophet Robin, I saw the Lord severing and burning like chaff, -cords, ties, bondages of lies concerning every nation that has believed they have a right to ISRAEL & JERUSALEM.. the Land The Lord gave to Abraham!

    Then I saw the Lord doing the very same thing concerning evil wicked leaders and rulers over Nations /Peoples..
    All they believed they had a right to, that connection in the spirit, that darkness that was able to give the power to accomplish and attain, WAS BURNED UP LIKE CHAFF AND DESTROYED!

    I wish I could find better words to describe what the Lord was revealing..

  2. The Lord is just overwhelming my heart tonight! He has had me praying for several years now that John 316 will be what goes into the schools instead of the 10 Commandments this time!!!!

    He has also been having me praying, declaring and decreeing, thanking and praising him for bringing us back to the โ€œORIGINALโ€us! And what the Lord has shown me is that yes, He has rescued us from the enemy, translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love, saved us to the uttermost, removed our sins from us because He became sin that we might become the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus! but!! Thereโ€™s more!!! Also that the stains, effects, residue, trauma, wounds, everything from sin that has been perpetrated against us by the evil one completely gone as wellโ€ฆ

    When you speak things that the Lord has spoken to my heart in intimacy with Him, It confirms and establishes it even deeper and stronger somehow! And itโ€™s not even about me! lol! But itโ€™s about the Passion and resolve to keep standing and praying! Declaring and speaking His heart into the earth! Even if it is just in my living room! Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!

  3. Thr amazing Xow,bang boom of the Ruach HaKodesh in our blood covenant . The most powerful force on this planet within the temple of your called out ones. Blow our shofars…boom, sock, pow of Yahuah. Thank you wonderful amazing Father YAH. We give you honor. The currency of heaven. Praise your mighty name Yahshua. I ask that battalions of waring angels go forth and disrupt, dismantle, destroy the works of hasatan and his minions that are using, abusing, children. I ask father that thousands will be freed from evil. The blood of our children is not for sale at any price. I thank you my Father for hear my prayers. Praise YAH blessed be his name.

  4. 1 The Lord came back to visit Sarah as he said he would, and he kept his promise to her. 2 At exactly the time God said it would happen, Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. 3 Abraham named his son Isaac.[a] 4 Abraham did what God commanded and circumcised Isaac when he was eight days old.

    5 Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born. 6 Sarah said, โ€œGod has made me happy, and everyone who hears about this will be happy with me. 7 No one thought that I, Sarah, would be able to have Abrahamโ€™s child. But I have given Abraham a son, even though he is old.โ€ Genesis 21: 1-7 God changed her name to Sarah which in Hebrew means Princess. Sarah is considered the mother to all nations she was beautiful even in her old age.

  5. Exodus 12:3 Jann๐Ÿ‘‹UUaRi nnetโš’๏ธTen AnnA Cum HiTHer ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    Ezekiel 30:20
    In the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me:

  6. I Remembered the last time all y"all were at New Hope church , f b took the church page down because they didn't care for the message. It had never happened to them before ๐Ÿ˜‚ let's agree that they fly under the f b radar and all get to hear with no interpretations

  7. I have 2 sons in prison. 1. Is an excellent guitar electric blues is his favorite.( been wounded by the church) 2. Has a huge call of evangelism to street people. Your words today were perfect for them both. Please pray God will breakout right where they are and use them. A word over that prison years ago was for revival to break out there. That they inmate would climb over the walls and breakout in the streets. ( our city really needs that. Ontario Oregon) thanks.


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