The Dumbest Ways People Actually Died

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41 thoughts on “The Dumbest Ways People Actually Died”

  1. In California, you can sell a house in any condition, permits or not. All you have to do is inform the new buyer of the issues.
    It can take up to a year to get permits. A permit is required to unplug the dishwasher.
    It's a total joke.

  2. I have depression. I’m 46 and started taking medication at 15 y/o. The medication is an ongoing battle. Have drink water and frequently go the bathroom. It makes you extremely dehydrated. It’s horrible 😣

  3. The man was stuck inside a waterslide…and the cops, rather than just cutting the slide open to let him out, talked to him for an hour and then let him die…because they didn’t want to take the slide apart…?!?!?! Unbelievable…

  4. the one with the alligator just made me mad. she was told not to get close to it multiple times by her friend. she did it anyway and that poor alligator was beat and shot all because she didn’t listen. it’s sad how animals have to lose their lives over stupid things humans do.

  5. 0:25: 💔 An elderly man fell to his death after losing his footing on a viewing platform above the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.
    5:06: 💔 Multiple instances of accidental shootings caused by dogs have occurred, resulting in tragic deaths and injuries.
    10:23: ! A man died in a freak accident at a McDonald's drive-through when his car rolled forward and pinned him against the building.
    14:27: 💔 A man sneaks into a water park after closing and gets trapped in a water slide, leading to a rescue operation.
    19:13: 💔 A man is found dead and his daughter critically injured after a reported home invasion, but suspicions arise that the daughter may be lying.
    23:20: 🏠 Two homeowners face ongoing legal issues and neighborhood disputes that have caused financial and personal turmoil.
    27:50: 💰 A defamation case between two tycoons in the US and Turkey resulted in a $740 million judgment in favor of one party, which was later challenged and increased to $894 million.
    Recapped using TammyAI

  6. So, Nicholas Secondino murdered his father and sister because his father wouldn't accept his sexual orientation?
    And, people defend these delusional jackasses?
    This world is sick..
    We really live in a world that expects normal people to accept weird people's delusions, then try to explain those delusional people's psychotic behavior..
    Well, Nicholas Secondino is getting exactly what he deserves in jail..
    It's actually worse for people like him than child predators, because some guys trick themselves into thinking Nicholas is a female, and will do as they please, whenever they want..
    From the stories I've heard


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