The Drovers Wife

The Drovers Wife.mp4


5 thoughts on “The Drovers Wife”

  1. A moving human rights story set in 19th century Australian outback that could apply to womenfolk and tribals of all lands and all times from the times of exploration, colonisation and male-dominance not excluding our own times. The aborigine died for saving a white woman from her own husband's wild bashings and the woman hanged similarly for saving her saviour from being killed by killing her husband. White man's justice was unfair to both the aborigine and the white woman in an age when both the victims were discriminated against all over the world and are not yet fully free even now despite pretensions of racial and gender equality made by most nations. Gender prejudices are so deep-seated that these prejudices are active even within the same home and family amongst closest relatives, what to speak of relations with strangers. Racial and ethnic prejudices are not just between people of markedly different colour, race, caste, etc but run even within the same race, colour or caste based on a wide variety of differences of income, status, ideology, faith, dress, etc If liberty, equality and fraternity were not just ideals for lip sympathty among so-called civilised peoples but are sincerely adopted by all as guiding principles of our lives all these long-afflicting prejudices could be shed in our own lifetimes.


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