Karen stalks us through Town and Calls her Boy Toy to get Shutdown

First Amendment Audit in Albion Michigan for a follow up Return to the Downtown to be sure The Education Stuck


44 thoughts on “Karen stalks us through Town and Calls her Boy Toy to get Shutdown”

  1. Anytime you see a guy dressed like a cop, driving a car that looks like a cop car, and he parks his car legally… He's obviously impersonating an officer. Because real cops NEVER park legally.

  2. The doors on that restaurant are not ADA compliant. If they're going to open OUT onto the sidewalk, they need to have an inset/alcove in the building so that they doors don't open out and smack someone in a wheelchair.

  3. They first interaction was great! Then you start going into offices and act like a silly kid! That interaction would be weird for anyone! Why try to bait these working people? That shark puppet is just weird..then the burp happens..omg..I tried to watch one of your videos to give you the benefit of the doubt, cause I watch those other videos that critique you..And imo they are spot on..hope you find another way to earn a living…

  4. “She’s incorrect because we are assholes looking for trouble trying to trigger people so we can get into it with the cops and get free money so we don’t have to work and prove a worthless point” lol 😂

  5. You two are so out of touch with reality it's not funny…. You honestly think that the people in this building encounter YouTube coming through the door and you with a f**** puppet on your hand they are supposed to act like this is completely normal…. I would call for you to be put in a straitjacket as well


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