The Downfall of Cain | Book of Jasher (Part 1)

There are as many as five apocryphal books that go by the name ‘Book of Jasher’ – all of which appear to have been forgeries or composed much later than biblical times. In this series, I chose to use the most accessible version of the Book of Jasher I could find as a basis for the narrative, which is translated from Hebrew and dates back to the year 1613. Whilst I did alter the language – most notably the dialogue of the characters, you’ll find that the framework and the story itself remains the same, as well as running mostly parallel to the events of the Old Testament. The Book of Jasher, known in Hebrew as ‘Sepir Ha Yasher’, is believed to mean ‘Book of the Upright’ or ‘the Upright or Correct Record’. What makes the book so controversial is that it was believed in some circles to be a lost book that is mentioned a couple of times in the bible, most notably by Joshua and David respectively.







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★ Chapters ★

0:00 Book of Jasher Chapter 1
9:57 Notes on Version/Retelling
12:54 Analysis of Jasher vs Genesis

– Cain and Abel
– Creation Story
– Book of Jasher
– Downfall of Cain
– Biblical Stories
– Apocrypha

📚 Sources and Further Reading 📚

– Book of Jasher (1613):

🎨 Artwork/Illustrations by
Julis (
Karlo Lottersberger (
Iro Pagis (…)

🎬 Animation by
Michael Merc (

🎶 Music by
Graham Plowman:​​​
Derek/Brandon Fietcher:​​



40 thoughts on “The Downfall of Cain | Book of Jasher (Part 1)”

  1. 0:301:02 the standout disqualifier for Adam and Eve (for me) as anything but a myth is men being created before women.

    Given who does what during reproduction, man makes no sense as rhe original gender. Picture Adam being created by God with his useless balls (because no partner to inseminate exists) and you see how goofy this is already.

    Meanwhile, reproduction with only a mother (parthenogenesis) IS possible in nature. Not sure how common for humans or in general, but it does exist as a phenomenon.

    So, the more "realistic" (and only sensible, besides the story with Lilith) version of Adam and Eve is the Goddess creating Woman, then realizing Woman feels alone and creating Man as her companion/helpmate. Women are the only sensible primoridal human.

    Agnostic male here, by the way.

  2. Adam and eve made cain abel and seth, now there were only 5 people on earth at that time, cain killed abel and then thier was 4, Adam, even abel and seth, 3 men and 1 woman, all family, now what happened for humanity to continue on?

  3. Context clues are always interesting in different books of the Bible. The rise of agriculture is what gave people the ability to stay in one place and create settlements and religion. Making it interest that Cain is on the looser being a farmer while Able is a driver of livestock. How the Book if Jasher also describes Ables blood being on the ground and speaking out reminds me of the old pagan blood sacrifices, using a plow blade as the weapon also seems pretty symbolic as well.

  4. It doesn't say "let 'me' make man in 'my' own image", it says "let 'us' make man in 'our' image". The reason it uses the plural is because the original name of God in the creation story is Elohim, which is a plural containing both gods and goddesses (El, Eloh and im). Another name is added when the Elohim create Adam (Adam means Blood), that added name is HaShem which literally means The Name – Iod Hei Vav Hei.

  5. And perhaps God being the omniscient person he is, knew all of these things would happen, and already was training/teaching Cain as he was to be the line that which Noah would come from. God has the habit of using imperfect people, weak people, the unnoticed people as an example of his power and glorification.

  6. Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
    Later when he caused a great sleep to overcome Adam, he removed his side. Original Hebrew scripture

  7. You quoted wrong Genesis 1:26
    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

  8. Question: if the "Snake" hadn't tempted Eve yet… why is the "snake" always depicted as having no legs if The snake was not cursed by God to craw on her belly at the point¿

  9. Great video… So many plot holes in all these biblical stories LOL I mean Why is Cain concerned over anyone killing him when there was supposed to only be Adam Eve Cain Able and 3 sisters? who are these potential someone who would kill him in his wanderings? LOL I used to get in trouble at catholic school for asking these very questions lol

  10. I keep getting nazi propaganda videos because they use religin as an excuse to ruin litterly everything.
    Keep nazi propaganda away from anything to do with religin.
    Their just the worst criminals who lie about everything because theyre weak insecure criminals.
    Get the nazi propaganda off,youtube doesnt care if it has propaganda on it.
    Nazi propaganda=the creten euopeans who react to people getting freedoms then yell the word woke not realizing the other 99% of humans dont use as a curse word.
    Nazis are have knight tunnel vision thing for reality,the helmit is all the lies and delliosions,they only see reality where theyre either are dictarors or theyre hurting people and then act like victems because their kretens/weak of weakest.

  11. Book of Yasher really tells a wider view of all the stories. Like the one about Yoseph's journey in Egypt. Sarah being lied to by Satan himself about her son Yitzhak and that's why she died before Abraham returned with his son after the sacrifice, brit. It's a very recommended book to read and it's for free in PDF in Google.

  12. I'm surprised that the Tigris and the Euphrates are mentioned because that would mean how the Genesis narrative is entirely located in the Middle East. I suppose all origin tales in religion are local to a specific to a single area on Earth. Such an analysis helps demonstrate Abrahamic religions later encompassing other lands with later additions to the narrative. I'm looking at all those later Japhetic humans mentioned from the Middle Ages.


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