The Disturbing History Behind the 'Anti-Woke' Crackdown

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Is America on the brink of a new era of book burnings and historical revisionism? In this gripping video, we’ll uncover the terrifying truth behind the dangerous conspiracy theory driving the attacks on civil rights, under the guise of fighting ‘Wokism’. From Critical Race Theory to cultural Marxism, we’ll explore the dark history that has led us to this moment. Republican lawmakers are cracking down on anything deemed ‘woke’, from banning books to censoring history and even targeting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. The implications for freedom of speech, diversity, and social justice are staggering. Buckle up, because what you’re about to learn might shock you. Don’t miss out on this vital discussion.

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0:00 Open
2:37 Culural Marxism
10:21 What the Frankfurt School Is
13:58 Oops It’s Antisemitism Again
23:23 The Path to the Mainstream
44:02 Fighting Back

Thumbnail design by the ever talented @hotcyder


40 thoughts on “The Disturbing History Behind the 'Anti-Woke' Crackdown”

  1. The Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis vs AntiThesis = Synthesis is in PLAY, right now.
    God vs God (IS I vs I AM) vs NOT God (Daniel 7: 7) vs NO God (atheism) in the Name of GAUD (secret societies) Grand Architect of Ur Destruction — Abraham's Ur.
    THEN the great Re-Set on 09/23/26, when we unveil the NEON GAUD — a sentient machine and comptroller of our currencies, with the Plan to Perfect Humanity.
    Men and women will never lie, cheat, steal, or murder again — so help us GAUD. Resistance is fatal. Fentanyl Euphoria for the MAsses — FEMA. Inspired by Huxley's SOMA (synthetic opiate) for a Brave New World Order. Don't worry. We can always make more — and you WILL want more.
    Better Living and Dying from BIG PHARMA — now Holy-owned by GAUD.

  2. Republiklanazism is a right-wing, authoritarian, theocrat, autocrat, psycho-fascist, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, homophobe, criminal, insurrectionist, traitor to America disease!

  3. There are right wing politicians arguing child marriage is fine and that it’s fine for 14 year olds to work in abattoirs. But they call transgender people groomers. They’re insane.

  4. Really interesting video, with lots to think about. It gave me some clarity on things that had been a bit nebulous.

    Is it possible to get a link to the Mendocino (not sure of spelling) article/book?

    I was surprised that you mentioned Saul Alinsky, not the linkage to Obama and his work in Chicago, but only Hillary and her university thesis. Also, I'm not sure that your positioning of James Linsdsay as the one responsible for weaponizing a fear of Critical Race Theory is quite correct. Christopher Rufo was making headway with that narrative on Fox News almost two years before Lindsay published his book.

  5. well, I strongly disagree with everything you just said. really wish you lefties would just stick to economics. I will say your Sudan video was excellent so thank you for that.

  6. When conservatives call leftists "nazis" they can't show the birth & evolution of the racist conspiracy theories that led to leftist beliefs. The receipts just don't show it like this

  7. This is a pretty good breakdown of the origins of the “anti-woke” movement. I have to point out that the “woke mob” itself is a rebranding of the “sjw” conservatives went after before.
    Another point that I find very revealing specifically about the anti trans movement’s real nature, is that the original Nazis also went after trans people. Berlin had a flourishing queer scene and acceptance was slowly but surely becoming more mainstream by the early 1930s. It’s there that the first institute for the research of sex and sexuality was opened…by a Jewish gay man. The centre conducted invaluable research on the social and medical science of gender and sexual diversity. As a non-profit, it offered ressources for people struggling. There was also research and help around contraception, STD’s, intersex conditions, and addiction. There are stories of people who’s descent into the radicalization pipeline was halted because they were able to get help and a sense of community in that place. It offered hope.
    Now, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft is most well known for being the biggest Nazi book burning. To be perfectly clear: it was targeted not only for supporting queer people, but specifically because the “ideology” it “promoted”, for lack of better words rn, was considered Jewish Bolshevik commie propaganda. Trans people aren’t the new enemy, we’ve always been associated with “them” because our very existence challenges fascist beliefs.

  8. On thing to remember is that with a certain kind of sociopolitical reactionary "every accusation is a confession". They seek to distance themselves from the framework in which they operate by accusing other people of being the perpetrators of actions that it is believed a majority of people in society would disapprove of. Child abuse and mistreatment is rife in "traditional values" conservative culture due to authoritarian parenting and the desire to brutalize children in order to turn them into "soldiers" for the next generation of the movement. Over the last few decades more and more children growing up and out of toxic conservative culture have rebelled against this and stories are common of how terrible conservative family life is.

    The solution? Create a moral panic over the welfare of children and redouble efforts to frame conservatives as protectors of kids and "family values" – while accusing everyone who isn't a conservative of being a child predator. It's not even so much that they feel this will completely brainwash everyone listening to their lies and propaganda – it's actually more insidious than that. The ultimate goal is to destroy the ability to talk about it. To muddy the waters so much that everyone is obsessed with the talking points of the moral panic and it isn't possible to have a coherent discussion about who is really doing what to kids.

    And within this confusion, where a lot of people throw their hands up and walk away, conservatives can operate more freely. They can accelerate efforts to take control of local government and education; ban materials that go against the conservative narrative, and destroy support systems that actually help their victims escape from their culture.

    Now, all is not doom and gloom. The reason this is a fight is because while they've always been at it, not everyone falls for it. They also have to continually shift and reinvent their rhetoric because it gets old fast. The problem with a moral panic is that the lived experience of daily life can insulate people against continuing to listen to it. When doomsday doesn't come, the doomsday cult bleeds off members. (Which is why conservative media has focused itself so heavily on supplying daily reinforcement for the collective delusions required for conservative narrative to remain effective.)

    Surveys and studies are already starting to show a lot of people aren't responding to the woke panic. Addicted viewers of conservative television, twitter, and youtube might be extremely on board, but it isn't moving the needle outside the really faithful.

  9. Black folks are pushing the line for reparations and if we can deny the actual history then America can say yo black folks "we don't owe you anything "!

  10. you overlook the fact these right wing antisemitic, racist, homo and transphobic, sexist, classist assholes are conspiring to undermine democracy and subjugate all people. that is a conspiracy theory. it is true, and the theory is not antisemetic, just the people participating in it are

  11. I've been saying for decades that the Republicans hate the Clintons because the Clintons were better Republicans than they were and have been trying to politically assassinate them ever since They won the DNC nomination for president in 1992.

  12. you should go into detail about what happened in your department. you teased it interesting. plus that is personal experience on your part you are more suited to tell than most, being adjacent to it, as enlightening as this more general discourse is. blow that whistle

  13. brands being woke is capitalist brown, gay and femmewashing. did you see how before desexifying the em and em mars was being sued for using underaged slave labor? i think it was thought slime that did a vid on it, maybe some more news

  14. HEY TRISTAN!!! – re: "managed decline*

    The #1 talking point about climate change is that our present way of life is unsustainable. Terms like "trophic cascade" and "the sixth mass extinction" are used on the regular by ecologists and environmental economists.

    It's really hard to frame that as anything other than a "managed decline". Especially when it's constantly being noted how birth rates are falling in developed nations.

    Your comment about people trying through sheer will to force physical reality to conform to their conception of social reality is well taken.

    One drum you may wish to start beating, however, is that the laws of physics always win in the end.

    Humanity is indeed slipping into a new paradigm. One where a person in Korea and a person in Canada can exchange written conversation even more casually than two people passing on the same street can exchange spoken conversation.

    What will NOT happen is a paradigm where a large enough majority of people will stop trying to make information that threatens their worldview "go away" like a six year-old trying to hide the green beans under their plate so they don't have to eat them.

    Personally, I've given up and accepted the framing of a "managed decline" because I simply want to get past that argument and into the discussion of what to do about it.

  15. HEY TRISTAN!!! – re: "managed decline*

    The #1 talking point about climate change is that our present way of life is unsustainable. Terms like "trophic cascade" and "the sixth mass extinction" are used on the regular by ecologists and environmental economists.

    It's really hard to frame that as anything other than a "managed decline". Especially when it's constantly being noted how birth rates are falling in developed nations.

    Your comment about people trying through sheer will to force physical reality to conform to their conception of social reality is well taken.

    One drum you may wish to start beating, however, is that the laws of physics always win in the end.

    Humanity is indeed slipping into a new paradigm. One where a person in Korea and a person in Canada can exchange written conversation even more casually than two people passing on the same street can exchange spoken conversation.

    What will NOT happen is a paradigm where a large enough majority of people will stop trying to make information that threatens their worldview "go away" like a six year-old trying to hide the green beans under their plate so they don't have to eat them.

    Personally, I've given up and accepted the framing of a "managed decline" because I simply want to get past that argument and into the discussion of what to do about it.

  16. Every single time I hear a conservative (often an older person) claim something to the effect of universities brainwashing kids, I’m quick to gently let them know that I have never once in my entire current college experience had a professor discuss gender ideology, sexuality, or even racism in the classroom. Because it is not relevant to the subjects I am studying whatsoever. (I’m sure I would hear about those topics if I took classes on them, but what else would be expected in that case lmao)

    For whatever reason, this specific topic has made quite a few conservatives I’ve interacted with come to the realization that what they were hearing in the media was not lining up with reality, and they had fallen for manufactured hysteria. It opened a crack in the worldview they had accepted. Any time you get a chance like this to show someone irrefutable proof or personal testimony that the propaganda is false, I would encourage you to do so as long as the person is not escalated or dangerous. You never know what effect you can have on someone.

  17. Personally, I'm not a fan of any type of political video that mentions the "left" or " the right". On either side of things there are people who think the other side is completely crazy, even though they don't Understand anything the same way. That goes for both sides and I just stand people say "the left wants this" or " the right wants that" who tf are you talking about even, the entire left or right wing? Nah, not all people of a group are the same, that's something everyone knows but that we forget when it comes to politics. I'm down for other peoples opinions though, if anyone wants to tell me their pov

  18. You gotta admit, Tristan. One of the beautiful side effects of LSD is a more egalitarian view of society.
    I've never known a person who dropped acid wrong…..

    Then I heard Joe Rogan

  19. at 35:41 you mention that the right wing parents' backlash against CRT was astroterfed. This wouldn't surprise me, but do you have evidence? I'm looking for sources for my own research. I think your sources link is broken, because all I see is a blank window that says untitled with a menu bar at the top where i can learn about notion as a platform. Can you please fix that and maybe point me in the direction of some of your evidence for this astroterfing case and/or any funding if you know any more than you let on in the video? Thank you! Great video so far

  20. This didn't show up in my subscription box. I was wondering why it had been so long since a video from you (that wasn't a YT short), checked your channel, and saw three new ones.

  21. To be honest its more the trans community fault that certain books have been banned. I mean when you allow children to watch gay strippers and forcibly transition children of course people will become angry at trans people. Also it has always been the democrat party and the left in general that has a history of fascism


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