The D&D Dragon Who Behaves Like An Anime Villain

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Cobalt dragons got their start in 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons, but they eventually made their way to D&D 3rd edition, 3.5, 4E DnD, and now, they’re finally here in 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons to wreak havoc at your game table. Join me today as we embark on a journey of discovery to learn everything there is to know about one of the most terrifying draconic monsters in D&D history, the cobalt dragon. These guys mark our 3rd installment in the ferrous dragon Monster of the Week series, which means we only have two more to go after this! The Nickel and Chromium dragons will appear on the channel soon, but for now, try to be strong, because the Cobalt dragon is stalking a gaming table near you!

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The D&D 5E stat block for this monster –

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00:00 – INTRO
01:37 – WHAT IS IT?
13:47 – PLOT HOOKS


34 thoughts on “The D&D Dragon Who Behaves Like An Anime Villain”

  1. 13:27 i was not expecting Big E of all examples for a dragon but by god it sounds like it would fit xD

    Speaking of space (through mention of 40k) i have a game based on Dragonball and ive been thinking of plans to take them off world and see another planet or two. A planet now is ruled by a Great Wyrm Cobalt that is the sole dragon on the world currently.

  2. not going to lie, i was about to skip the ad. then i saw undead and i had my 13 animated skeletons scrambling to acquire my debit card while i clicked so fast on the link youtube considered me a bot.

  3. The word Cobalt actually comes from Kobold! In Germanic Folk Tales, Kobolds were originally a sort of Fae or Goblin Trickster Nature Spirit who could either be helpful or mischievous and one of the pranks they would play was poisoning Metal Ore which as you mentioned, Cobalt is Poisonous.
    It was D&D that turned Kobolds into mini Dragon-kin and the association just stuck.

  4. I like the idea of an ancient cobalt dragon who has grown so old and so powerful that they have either become completely apathetic to existence or has become a pacifist swearing off the misguided ways of their youth

  5. I aint played DnD since 2nd eddition, but this got me thinking.
    If we already have Metallic (good), Chromatic (evil) Gem (neutral) (which I knew about).
    And now we have Ferrous (law) (surely ferrous a type of metallic?), is there a chaos aligned dragon family tree?

    Then another thought struck me. Salt class dragons? Salt is generally a metal plus non-metal compound, characterized by sublimation rather than a liquid state. For example, Sodium Chloride dragon, Copper Sulphate dragon, Iron Nitrate dragon, or a Cesium Fluoride (super deadly) dragon. They all have 2 breath weapons, and a mist form. The mix of elements (and alignments) make these creatures utterly insane and chaotic in the extreme. Somewhere out there, a nutcase demipower-wizard is churning these badboys out from his labratory. Maybe he should be stopped.

  6. Anime villains are so diverse that I can't think of which exact one or archetype cobalt dragon is similar with. I know it's for views and clicks but this was confusing.

  7. Okay, so…
    A Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer mercenary joins the party in a campaign to take down a necromancer who is plotting to raise an undead army big enough to conquer the continent.

    Twist is that he’s doing this on the orders of the Cobalt Dragon who rules over the small kingdom he calls home, and who has been maintaining his tyrannical rule for close to 300 years now. The sorcerer’s family were raised under the dragon’s rule for generations, and are notably loyal to their ruler.

    The Cobalt King doesn’t particularly care about the fates of the other nations on the continent, but he definitely doesn’t want their populations fueling an undead army that will eventually become HIS problem, so he sent a decently competent minion to make sure that problem gets nipped in the bud.


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