The Dark Souls Of Frog Bullet Heavens – Pesticide Not Required [Demo]

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Mow down countless crops and corrupt critters while crafting game-breaking builds! Pesticide Not Required is a bullet heaven, horde survival roguelite with farming elements that offers a myriad of stats and special character traits to create wildly diverse run possibilities.

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10 thoughts on “The Dark Souls Of Frog Bullet Heavens – Pesticide Not Required [Demo]”

  1. I wasn't expecting you to cover the demo again! Huge thanks for the support 🤗

    Elephants do drop exp when they water for Bobby and don't worry, the merch-ant won't close his shop on you, but if you miss a full day cycle then you'll miss out on a round of options.

    Gonna have to make some more characters that benefit from a hunter-gatherer build for you 😄Also love the house building idea, we'll have a bunch of house customization for the full version, but I hadn't thought about it in the same sense that you suggested! Dynamic music is being worked on too so hopefully it'll be easier to listen to. Ok I'll stop before I type a huge wall of text, lots of stuff in the works 😛 Thanks again!

  2. On Crit damage: Each weapon has a base crit damage multiplier that is independent to the crit damage on the stat screen. You can see the base value when buying seeds, this doesn't show the modification for the weapon upgrades. Water spout for example has a base crit of X1.5 or +50%. It is hard to figure out your true crit rates and damage in this game because it is weapon specific with global modifiers and only the global modifiers are easy to see. so when you spotted -35% crit damage the water spout still does 115% damage on a crit not 65%.(I didn't track if you took any waterspout crit upgrades)

  3. Elephants do give XP for watering. You can see the purple streaks of XP flying from the elephants to you. I thought it was some new weapon until I figured out that's what it was.
    This game is as much of an amphibian fever dream as Frog Fractions.


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