Kyle plays SWTOR #186 | Flashpoint: The Black Talon

Kyle continues his #SWTOR adventure, doing a favor for his new friend Grand Moff Kilran!

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9 thoughts on “Kyle plays SWTOR #186 | Flashpoint: The Black Talon”

  1. Defeating the "hero" group of the boarding party is easier if you target and kill their healer first. Also, there's a lore object at the other end of the room where you fight Yadira you can click on. The ending to this as full Darkside human can be hilarious. You just need to start it by killing the Captain instead of letting him live. Before you choose where to land/end at the console, use your human racial ability "Rally" on the bridge and watch the "Deadman's Party".

  2. Remember when it was absolutely required to have a party of 4 doing this, for any of the Flashpoints or Heroics before they nerfed the game you needed other players to do these quests.

  3. Funny thing. This FP and its rep equivalent have 2 separate paths while you are still on your ship Based onyour L&D choice (which suprisingly reward non standard choice)
    For Black Talon it is:
    – Light – you spare Captain (only person on bridge with ship to ship combat experience), Cap recognises boarding pods and orders to avoid them -> you have to clean up hangar
    – Dark – You Kill Captain and lady Lt. takes over comand pods hit you and Rep Droids get into enginering instead (not much diference in time and dificulty, but i belive it to be more bothersome) + crew without captain gets scared while you aren't there and tries to ditch you so N2 uses his earlier explined skils to "Calm down the crew"(permanently)
    – Sparing or killing General while being L&D choice in terms of consequences it pales when compared to 1st one

    BTW: Republic's Esseles has also 2 choices, with both being equaly impactfull when compared with 1st choice on BT0 (in my opinion of course)

  4. The General has quite the impressive sources, seeing how he hints at the Planet Prison from the Jedi Knight story as well as the Shadow Arsenal from the Imperial Agent story. And while he may only be making conclusions based on the developments he's seen, he even essentially foreshadows the Emperor's actual plan by saying that no one will survive the war.


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