The Dark Mysteries Of Ireland's Haunted Ruins | Historic Hauntings | Timeline

From haunted castles to dark and dangerous woodlands, Ireland’s dark history of magic, ritual and prime evil worship.

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44 thoughts on “The Dark Mysteries Of Ireland's Haunted Ruins | Historic Hauntings | Timeline”

  1. I'm not sure what kind of game this channel is playing but, this episode is really called Castle Ghosts of Ireland which came out in 1995. The original episode (found on other channels on YT) is 52mins long. This one is 45min long so, this channel cut out about 7 mins worth of programming. This channel is part of the History Hits streaming service. If this is the type of thing History Hits streaming service does then, I wouldn't subscribe to them. They are cheating their customers if they shorten the programs from their original lengths. That means they're not a good value for money.

  2. No such thing as ghosts of the dead but there is such a thing as evil demonic spirits whom are out to terrify us. Yes, there are spirits but not of the dead. As an Irish American, I say people of Ireland, grow up and ask God to rid you of these evil spirits in your castles and even homes, for the dead are dead and death is death; a nothingness gone back to the earth, turned to ashes of dirt and dust…. the earth…a non-living gone forever non-existance.

  3. I would love to visit Ireland , to see where my Grandma and grandfather on my mother side came from, Ireland looks so pretty, and there is so much history and tales of forklore but those tales could be part true every culture has different forklore that seems to have some kind of Truth to it , maybe the stories just got mixed up from gossip over the generations, to think one of those ghost could maybe be one of our ancestors is really sad to think about to think what could have really happened to them in such horrible ways

  4. 2:58 The Rock of Dunamaise, Co. Laois, I know that place is "Other worldly" You have to be there to truly understand. I have watched this video so many times & it never gets old. I swear when walking along different parts of this ruins I heard another time… Voices & noises from another period in time. & At the Rock of Cashel: 2 phones & the camera died the minute I went inside the graveyard & they were fully charged!

  5. "Ghosts" are merely demons and you needn't worry about them. You can command them to leave your presence in the name of Jesus Christ and they must obey! And no, this is not a Bible lesson, merely the stark truth, for when Jesus uttered as , "It is finished!" as He hung upon the cross, He meant that he had total victory over Satan, death and the demons! Yes, there is a Satan and he does believe in you, so never, ever doubt that he exists! Jesus has the FINAL say over Satan and his evil children, the demons! But, yes, these make for great "ghost" stories, I'm sure! 🙂

  6. When I was really young, and still in my old house, I was watching TV one morning before mom took me to school. I can't recall what I was watching, maybe Truth or Scare? Anyways, the house was super quiet, and I had looked over at the dining room, that's when I saw a lady walking behind the couch that was between me and the dinning room. She looked old, and wore a dark grey cloak, with sunken eyes, so sunken that child me couldn't see them. She looked at more for a moment, before walking to the kitchen and disappeared where the carpet and tile met. I wasn't afraid of her, atleast I don't remember if I was.

    Another incident happened to me in middle school, after my great uncle had past away. I was up late, watching TV instead of sleeping, when a mist suddenly appeared at the foot of my bed, and took the shape of my Great Uncle. It vanished shortly after, I was never sure of what to make of it, and to be honest, I still don't.

  7. My husband was born in and lived til age 14 in DROGHEDA Ireland, when his Dad's company
    sent them here. Brody's told me tales from his childhood..he and his cousin Shannon were coming home from an outing along with a Group of mixed lads and lasses…they had been working with Professors and Archaeologists exploring parts around the insides of the City Walls. In the late middle 1600's, Oliver Cromwell laid siege to Drogheda and many of those in-arms-and NOT in arms were put to the sword as well. Shannon…who has come to visit and Brody have told me tales of hearing the weeping of women, pleading children, men cursing…erupting like a geyser from the holes they dug by the walls in search of artifacts. The guys said it was like when they took out the last trowel of opened some connection to the Other World.. I BELIEVE THEM! BOTH THEIR HANDS WOULD BE LIKE ICE.. WHEN THEY'D BEEN WARM BEFORE.

  8. I know that this sounds way beyond totally insane but here goes when we moved into the house we still live in. We owned a thriving business including government contracts, our kids were about 7-9 years old somehow they got their hands on a WiJi board. To this day, 25 or more years later, even they don't know where it came from, it was just sitting on the table when they came home from school and i hadn't got home from work yet. Our oldest read what ever was on the board and thought it would be cool to try it, I can not begin to tell how our lives changed. Lost all contracts we had for years, machines broke down one after another, government accused us of hiding money(as they found out later we would not even know how to do, as they found out after a $25,000 bill we had to pay to fight it, we eventually got back. My point is PLEASE, PLEASE do not think that a WIJI board is just fun, beleive me when I say there is a price to pay.

  9. castle Leslie had over night guests that were staying there that had absolutely no clue about the history of the place they were staying????? I understand that people didn't have *air b&b" and zillow as well as Google in the early 90s because I was raised in the early 80s…. but a CASTLE……no one books a visit at a castle without prior knowledge of said castle…. at least in some form… back in the early 90s our knowledge came from three vital sources…1) news/tv/ news papers… 2) libraries 3) people/ word of mouth…. so if im to believe these visitors knew nothing of said castle…yet went to stay the night there are you honestly saying that the guests were simply driving around and stumbled across a giant castle and thought…. "ohh let's knock on the door an ask if we can rent a room /stay the night " I mean they had to know the castle existed in some form… and with that knowledge Someone definitely read something about the castle….. lmao

  10. There is no evidence that the Druids ever committed human sacrifice; only the second-hand say so of a Roman general. The Druids held the knowledge of the Celts in poetry, history, architecture, and religion. To play up an unreliable and sensational accusation without corroboration is poor research.

  11. Forty years ago my wife and I went to visit my elderly aunt in Skibbereen, County Cork. It was evening and it was very windy out. As we were sitting in her parlour the lights started to flicker as the wind howled, then suddenly they went out. A few minutes later they flickered again and inexplicably came back on. That was the moment I became a believer. How does science explain away such a bizarre and mystic phenomena such as this?


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