The Curse of Oak Island 2023 Season 14 Episode 25 Striking Gold (Mar 26, 2023) Full Episodes

The Curse of Oak Island 2023 Season 14 Episode 25 Striking Gold (Mar 26, 2023) Full Episodes


18 thoughts on “The Curse of Oak Island 2023 Season 14 Episode 25 Striking Gold (Mar 26, 2023) Full Episodes”

  1. No one mentions stone walls to keep oxen contained. And wells to give the oxen fresh water.
    And the charcoal found near the stone walls, means fires were made, probably to keep the oxen warm during winter months.
    In the U.S., the New Engpand states have vast amounts of old stone walls running through them, used to keep animals contained. They last longer and are stronger than wood fences.

  2. How long has this been going on if it wasn’t for the tv rights it would have been over as soon as it begun, they find a bit of rust with a metal detector at 6 inches deep & it’s a remarkable find just me but all a load of bullshit

  3. Although its very interesting I get very confused with so many episodes, & the numbering system, as mentioned before they are often repeats. As also mentioned find a rusty spike, & decide it came from a sunken galleon, is certainly making a mountain out of a molehill.

  4. Isn't it odd that two owners of lots on Oak Island ( Captian Anderson) and another, were very high ranking Masons.
    And ex-slave Samual Ball became weakthy after obtaining Captain Anderson's lot.
    Mason treasures had been usually protected by a paid guard watching over the area. Perhaps Samual Ball?
    Captain Anderson also owned other property in Nova Scotia. And the Masons in the area all met at the Mason Hall in Halifax, NS.


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