The Cult of Scientology

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0:00-4:48 INTRO
4:52-12:34 FOUNDING FATHER Pt. 1
12:35-13:54 SURFSHARK VPN
13:55-17:41 FOUNDING FATHER Pt. 2
17:42-24:29 HUBBMARINE
24:32-39:50 DIANETICS
49:40-57:27 SPACE OPERA
57:28-1:03:46 CELEBRITY CLEARS
1:03:47-1:10:54 THE HYPNOTIST


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27 thoughts on “The Cult of Scientology”

  1. I just don't get why people believe this when he himself said it was just fiction, he created a religion just to make money. At least with mormons, smith tried to convince people he was inspired by an angel.

  2. I'm not sorry. Hubbard is a beast. Literally selling snake oil and became a god. Might be the most ridiculous god, but still a god. People are so easily manipulated.


  3. What's amazing to me is its as if humans as a society the further we go in our progress we fall for more and more ludicrous things ……from Mormons to scientology…….. it seems more acceptable and logical today by seemingly more people now then it did in its infancy

  4. "Hubbard, distrusted the government…"

    I mean, regardless of the type of person he was, he was right for doing so. The government doesn't deserve our trust.

  5. This whole Scientology charade is so typically American, it makes me want to throw up. In fact, it's more than laughable, if it wasn't for the dangerous effects that it's had on so many gullible people.

    As for Hubbard's grandiose on an enormous scale of sheer bullshit, it puts it on a par with what H!tler did. It's amazing what people will believe when you glitter your empty words with fake and worthless gold.

    I bet you Hubbard wished he'd written 1984, but the best he could do was decide to become a pathetic Hollywood persona of Big Brother, with all the antics that could entail. From an early age, Hubbard's whole demeanour shouts "Lock me up……permanently. Oh, and while you're at it, throw away the key!!"

    I was so entertained by your coverage of this lunatic's circus of life, that I paused every time to read all of the printed clips you included in it. "There's someone in my head, but it's not me" came to my mind many times.

    The US is unquestionably trying very hard to destroy itself and, for the first time since its birth, it's actually managing to do a very good job for a change. Scientology only reflects the tip of the US iceberg which has been slowly melting for quite some time.

    Scientology is as dangerously warped as another well-known religion which is highly aggressive towards all non-believers. They're only happy when they're making enemies, which is why it's so highly profitable.

  6. It's no different than almost any other religion. If he was born 2000 years ago, he'd be performing "miracles" far and wide: all undocumented ofc.
    Religion is a state sponsored cult.

  7. What is this Blasphemy against Brother Ron?? You have taken our Master's name in vain for financial gain, and thereby incurred the wrath of the Children of Xenu. Be afraid my young friend, for the Knights of Hubbard shall leave no stone unturned until they find you, and when they do they will audit out your operating thetans slowly and painfully in the loving spirit of Master Ron.

  8. You’ll be surprised how many little scientology stores are tucked away in even the most least known places. I remember while walking through town how shocked I was to see one.

  9. Wow, a documentary on the misguided fools populating our world. I thought these fools were some of the greatest minds amongst us…at least in Hollywood…the fantasy land of FOOLS! It's going to be extremely hot where you all are going! Amen.

  10. I mean, all religions are basically a scam. Some believe in a guy in the sky and others in Aliens in volcanoes, its all equally made up and all have their own violent history. Its Scientologies thuggish agression and hysterical capitalist bombast that is scary I think.


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