New World – Before You Buy

New World (PC) is Amazon’s big attempt at an MMORPG. How is it? Let’s talk with some first impressions.
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30 thoughts on “New World – Before You Buy”

  1. I’ve sunk about 100 hours and the truly worst part is just the server numbers. We are way past having to sit in queues (via my server world at least). But people play mmos for years. Some have been playing WoW for over 15 years at least. You do that with New World and you’re playing with the exact same 2000 people in the same server. You’ll never hop servers, you’ll never meet new people unless they join the server. Everyone you know, will be the people on that server. Definitely the worst drawback. Love the game though. I’ve been hooked since release

  2. I can appreciate how the world is sort of like greedfall but games like this really need stylized visuals. There isnt really a style here so its kind of bizarre. Makes me feel as though there really is no rhyme or reason to the world they built. It certainly looks pretty good but its just odd and sort of careless.

  3. I want to play this game but the mix reviews are killing. The wait times to get on due to the players afk. The amount of crashing and freezing. The brick GPU due to the game. The repetition pushing one button skill. The repetitive quests. Fishing bots. I've just decided to wait. Which means I'll probably pass on getting it.

  4. Sorry but that last boss fight looked terrible in term of mechanics. He literally just stood there button mashing letting the boss hit him without flinching. I like the look of the game but that sorda sucked to see

  5. But you didn’t even touch upon or show the weapon skills pages. That’s the most important part of character building/identity. As you said you don’t pick a class, your weapons are your class basically… imo it’s important to highlight that in a review.

  6. BE AWARE!!! Good for PVP only! This is not a PVE MMO and NOT GOOD FOR SOLO! IT'S A PVP open world with crappy copy/paste soulless maps and a soulless combat system. Good game for casuals or non MMO players. I bet if you have ever played an MMO you know what I am saying! NO STORY, NO FAST TRAVEL, NO GOOD COMBAT, NO SOUL , POINTLESS GRINDING WITH 0 SOUL. Pros – Okay graphics and that's it! IT'S A TRAP!!!

  7. 160-180 hrs and i still really like the game, i havnt missed out on a single war, currently lv 51, we got the most land so all we do is defend, greens and yellows merged and now we vs all lv 50+ with alot of them lv 60, and we still win defence, there has been 2 close calls, and as they learn attack they get better and with the level gaps i dare say we have maybe 2 battles before they wipe the floor with us, alot of us are doing corruption runs to power lv and we are leveling fair fast, so maybe they will never win attack as we are all catching up, the pve is fair good aswell, decent variety and places to see, the only problem i have is i notice many pop culture refrences and names, stuff ripped off from game of thrones, lord of the rings, the list goes on, if you wanted a brand new game with brand new ideas, names, concepts ect, this isnt your place


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