The Criticism VS Hate! Fans Are Angry | Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League |

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Criticism vs Hate, it is important to learn why people are upset and to learn to let people enjoy what they want in peace.

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41 thoughts on “The Criticism VS Hate! Fans Are Angry | Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League |”

  1. if you like playstation your a woke fanboy, if you like xbox your an idiot, if you play on pc your a fake gamer. the criticism in gaming in general has become so absurd these days. me personally i watched the leaks and now i am even more exited for the game even if i am a huge arkham games fan. i still have high hopes for this game.

  2. Well said. I enjoyed the alpha largely for the story but the leaks saved me from not bothering. I saw the leaks and I'm not all for it.

    Don't worry when both fanboys and haters attack you. You did something right.

  3. This is part of the Arkhamverse, and those jobbers kill Batman? And the Justice Leage? MULTIPLE TIMES???

    That is not for narrative reasons, or anything of the sort, this a company trying to hide information we players should know before buying or especially pre-ordering, because they know this is an outright insult to the very loyal fans who waited 9 years, from a mutated company who wants to corrupt and twist something they didn't create into a the shape they want, like how it happened with LotR, Dr Who, John Wake, TLOU, The Witcher, Avatar (the Last Airbender, not John Cameron's), Scooby Doo, essentially everything from modern Disney, and many, many more.
    This trend needs to stop, please, just don't feed it, let it starve.

  4. I don’t understand why all the hate on SSKTJL.
    I think it’s beautiful game with cool characters and interesting story .I will buy this game with pre-order .
    I don’t care about the criticism and I will not change my mind 🗿🐐🦧💀🕷️

  5. Honestly, you know what sucks? As someone who did actually want a Suicide Squad game (after hearing WB Montreal was developing one all the way back), I feel bad for even feeling hype for this game, or wanting a SS game vs. a Superman game, or Flash game, etc.

  6. Take a break! Theres a lot of miserable people out there that love company.

    Also Still a day 1 for me. Im still excited for this because again what I eat don’t make anybody else shit. I’m gonna be happy for this game,at least, till I play for myself, and I could form my own opinion on it. Instead of jumping on the hate wagon without giving it an actual go.

  7. Im just sick and tired of how dismissive people have gotten when it comes to criticizing games in general. God forbid I and many others don't wanna buy the game because it has a battle pass and they'll always say "it's optional you don't have to buy it" or "it has free tiers as well your complaining for nothing" that's not the damn point. The point is I and many others don't wanna like battle passes in full priced games try to understand our point of view and stop being dismissive assholes about and actually listen.

  8. The way I see it, if the game turns out to be very bad and perform bad they'll probably retcon it. But if they don't you could just forget the game exist and think the Markham story ended in Markham Knight. Personally me, I know they'll retcon it.

  9. So sorry to hear that bro, i'll never understand why some people cant just accept we all have different opinions. I personnally have concerns for this game, but i'll still buy it and ill play it, but i get some people have no interest in it. And thats fine. No one is forcing anyone to buy this game. If its not for you then, it just not for you. But at the end of the day, regardless of what you think, Rocksteady made this game. A whole team of passionate creators worked on this for 9 years. No one forced them to do that. We as gamers just need to relax sometimes and realise that games are a luxury, and that a group of people worked so hard for our entertainment regardless of what we think of the final product. We all just need to accept and share each others veiws and thank Rocksteady for giving us another game. Regardless of if you want to play it or not.

    Sorry for ranting a bit, i just feel like the gaming space can be such a messy, arrogant place to navigate sometimes. And thats why i respect you for making your points clear and sticking to your opinions in such a toxic environment. But anyway, you're going places bro, good luck with it all.

  10. 'm trying my hardest to not see the leaks, but the hints I've gotten so far sound beyond horrific. I've even seen some people compare the game to The Last of Us Part 2, which is funny since I called it months ago. This just validates my fears that the Arkhamverse is about to get tarnished forever. Also, I'm not sure if we should really spare Rocksteady of any blame for the game. All we know is they were forced to make a Suicide Squad game. That doesn't confirm they didn't have control over the story or if they really needed to make the Justice League as boss battles.

  11. I'm not very excited for the game. What's been given to us was fine, but it seems very avengers like imo. Mabey it picks up later on especially with them sticking with a small playable cast. Still sucks how the justice league goes out. Im sure people were hoping especially batman would have a scene where he goes out being a hero in his final moments. Instead we get him dying in a dark alley. I don't blame anyone who feels a slap in the face. That said it's in the name, we all knew what the game was about.

  12. Im excited. Im guna play. And enjoy. Our boy kev wouldnt have done the game if he didnt want or believe in the script. So im going to enjoy it. Im with you, dont use a beloved iconic recently passed person name to hate on a game.

  13. Everybody is so chronically online like I personally think the game is gonna be good even though they messed up on some parts like ppl are treating this like it’s the end of the world

  14. Honestly it’s just mfers whining about one picture and an audio clip where they have zero amount of context and immediately assume it’s done in bad faith but it’s whatever, I’ll still wait till the game comes out and then I can judge it without just following the hate train

  15. I just don't want to see Arkham Batman to get the Joel treatment if anyone should kill Arkham Batman it's Deathstroke not Harley Quinn that would be like Squirrel Girl killing Captain America it's hella embarrassing

  16. I understand what you’re trying to say on the video but next time write a draft of what you’re gonna say , read it and refined it .
    Because in the first 4 minutes of video you repeated yourself 3 times !.

  17. I see the concern, but am very excited and fearful at the same time. I watched the new video they put out, i enjoyed what i saw. But i also feel bad for wanting to experience this? I don’t want to give money to these types of practices but in this era of gaming but if the money is worth it?…maybe. This game did sell me on a Captain Boomerang game though lol i feel like if this was the ps2 era we’d have a Captain Boomerang game. Because his play style is INSANELY good.

  18. First off, I understand where you’re coming from because they probably got handed a project they didn’t want to make, however you can see the distain for this universe in the leaks, they have absolutely no respect for Batman or the property just because you got handed a project you didn’t like or didn’t want to do that doesn’t mean you burn the whole thing down out of spite and anger you do the best you can with what you have Look at insomniac games. I’m pretty sure they didn’t wanna work on all those marvel games but they’re giving their best and they’re doing a bang up job with what they are given being given a project you didn’t want is no excuse to spit in the face of your fans to not bring your best efforts to the project you have, this is complete and utter incompetence, and I’m really tired of people trying to defend it, I’m all forgiving studios a chance, but I’m also about protecting the consumer, and the only reason I looked at those leaks was to save myself $70-$100 And I’m glad I did. not only that but I participated in the closed beta and I was not impressed with what I saw. I’m not gonna go into detail, but let’s just say the GAMEPLAY isn’t as fun as it looks in the trailers

  19. Also, if you’re getting a lot of backlash from fanboys, don’t let it get to you, you’re always gonna have people like that. There are just some people in this world that like garbage, (I’m not inherently calling this game garbage ) they would like anything and everything simply because it has characters they love in it, it doesn’t matter how the characters are handled they’ll find ways to justify it… case and point look at the avengers video game.


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