The Craziest Fallout and Elder Scrolls Lore

Here are the best theories and lore from Fallout and Elder Scrolls from Bethesda Game Studios.

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25 thoughts on “The Craziest Fallout and Elder Scrolls Lore”

  1. I would argue that regarding the Hist and Argonian boobs, the Hist saw the females of other races of Men and Mer, saw breasts on them, assumed it was vital for them to function, and applied them to Argonians. Think if you took a car back to medieval times, and the people of that time wanted to reverse-engineer and copy it. They wouldn't know what parts of the car were required for it to work, so they would think "Just copy everything!" down to the smallest detail, and with that mindset, they could copy the car and make another, but without the knowledge of why the car works the way it does. I think the Hist approached making Argonians the same way. They saw other races, didn't know exactly how they worked, but copied how they looked because they assume that's how Men and Mer are: bipedal, binocular vision, five fingers on each hand, two arms, two legs, two eyes, two nostrils, one mouth, etc.

  2. Hey, you should split the different franchises into segments. A lot of people don't care for Elders Scrolls Or Fallout. So why mix them up? Make one part about Elders Scrolls and the second part about Fallout or vice versa.

    I clicked this video wanting to hear about Fallout but then I realised you mixed Fallout and Elders Scrolls together and I lost interest because I don't care about Elders Scrolls. Would've been a great video if you split them up, not combine. You seem to know your shit and have a good voice, but man, if you're gonna title "The Craziest Fallout and Elder Scrolls Lore" split each game up! Not all of us care or like about other Bethesda games. Like me, I was keen on the Fallout Lore. I don't care about elder scrolls.

  3. What happened in Vault 69 was that the women disgusted by the man's lack of intelligence killed him, took his sperm and it became a woman only vault and then once a generation they trick an unlucky male down there to steal the man's sperm and kill them in the process.

  4. Love that you’ve got fallout and elder scrolls together given how batsh*t insane the elder scrolls lore is being intertwined with the much more calm fallout lore haha. It’s like ‘Akatosh created the world eater with the purpose of bridging the ouroboros – the concept of life and death in a single continuous cycle. However, the world eater defied Akatosh and instead of ending the world, created an empire. A rebellion formed and sent the world eater into the future. In this future, Akatosh granted the powers of the world eater to a chosen individual called the Dovahkiin, who had the task of killing the world eater so that Akatosh could make a new world eater and complete the cycle by actually ending the world this time.’ and then ‘Here’s vault 69, this vault had 1 man and 100 women’.

  5. For the cats in Fallout, Mr. House has probably never left the Mojave, meaning cats could be extinct there, but alive on the East Coast. Hell penguins live in the South Pole, so does that mean there extinct sense they dont live in North America.

  6. I love these type of videos but bro at least try to change the script lmfao I’ve heard the vault 68 & 69 story like 10 times now and EVERY YouTuber uses the EXACT same script lol “the man would be living out what other men would call a fantasy, only to realize he had no male friends to confine in.”
    I’ve heard this EXACT lime in about 5 videos now…do you guys all use the same website? 😂😂

  7. I found the reaper my first time gowing through the soul cairn, litteraly just collect all reaper stones thinking that I would keep them like the pack rat I am, but found this mysterious and foreboding mausoleum with a little receptical in the center, I clicked it and saw in the top right corner, "items lossed" or whatever, and quickly looked through my inventory, the stones were gone, I left my inventory and then suddenly here was a giant fucking executioner and my level 65 ass was getting wooped, after killing it and finding nothing worth the trade in of pretty purple gems, I reloaded my previous save and left never to summon the fucker again, I playwd on the xbox 360, so no mods to add in a reward and no reason to ever look at his face again.

  8. The Fallout 3 numbers station creepypasta is so good until they start with the future prediction stuff. If it was just a rare creepy broken quest that lead nowhere it would be so cool and very believable.

  9. Another thing, in Rorik's house in Rorikstead, somewhere in there you can find 3 filled black soul gems on a counter somewhere in there, can't remember exactly where so you'd have to look for em. But with the Book of Deadra, missing women, strangely fertile soil in an otherwise inhospitable region of Skyrim. Coincidence? I think not.

  10. I would suggest taking a quick look into Nuclear Semiotics. There’s a possibly ongoing program to altar cats so their eyes or coats change color when near large amounts of harmful radiation. The idea is that if the nuclear apocalypse does occur, we do everything in our power to enforce the importance to “If your cat changes color, this land will kill you” without having to explain radiation poisoning in a possibly dead language

  11. Oblivion isn't hell, it is the void of space. The moons Secunda and Masser are actually two of the planes. The others are either obscured by the tear in Aetherius (the sun) left by Magnus or too far away to be seen with the naked eye.

    The oblivion gates are effectively wormholes.

    In fact Oblivion itself is Sithis's domain. He is the void after all.


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