The Condition of the Ego is Irrelevant – Shunyamurti Questions & Answers

Description: All that appears is the Light of the One God-Self. You cannot not be That. It is irrelevant whether the character you are playing in this theodrama is awakened to your true nature. This will happen at the perfect moment, regardless of the ego’s condition, and regardless of the efforts made by the fictional self to transcend its illusory status as an individual person. The best strategy is acceptanceβ€”and focus on the Real.

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[To All Who Listen to Shunyamurti’s Teachings: Thank you all for your serious consideration of these ideas, which are intended to help you live a more coherent, peaceful, creative, compassionate, and productive life, and to be of service to the welfare of our world. We understand that our approach to existential concerns is not for everyone. We honor your right to disagree with these ideas and to stop listening if you do not like them. We gladly post comments with disagreements, if they are stated in a positive and mature manner, that allows civilized discourse about your own contrary ideas, and which may spark further useful and profound thought about the important issues that the teachings raise. If there are sincere questions about the teachings, or misunderstandings that can be clarified, Shunyamurti is always ready and willing to respond with helpful elaborations and even to cite texts and other authors whose writings may be of assistance to serious seekers. But comments that are simply angry and insulting, immature and unreasonable, will be removed because they undermine the educational and inspirational purpose of this project. Those who have questions that are more personal should write us in a private email and one of the teachers in our wisdom school will respond in the same way, or if the question is a very subtle or difficult one and requires a response from Shunyamurti, we will forward it to him on your behalf, and when he can, he will respond personally. By the way, we want to clarify that these teachings are new, they are not simply a repetition of old traditional teachings, but integrate current thought in the sciences, psychology, cultural studies, and philosophy. Shunyamurti speaks from his own realizations and deep clinical experience as a healer.]

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32 thoughts on “The Condition of the Ego is Irrelevant – Shunyamurti Questions & Answers”

  1. Oh perfect timing and so good to hear because I'm filling out U.S. tax forms to simply get paid in full for my labor. Jeez.. have to read the entire title 26 almost just to loose the noose now… But, Thank you.

  2. Whenever I go to the city I visit my friend neurosis.

    "The carnal mind is not subject to the will of God".
    – kjv
    Let it do its thing is what I was informed of. Taking on nature, being subject to body, laws and man's rules and… isn't it why the sanyasis ventured into the forrests? Therefore, such vexation seemed to have acted as a catalyst.

  3. If the cosmos (art) appears inside the Self (artist), then the Artist does not acquire a canvas outside of their being to β€œcreate,” (nothing is created, it transitions from state to state like ice to water) but rather the Self transforms their being into a work of art that we call the universe. That means the experience of every homeless person and every exploited worker under capitalism is truly God’s experiences. You do not β€œshare” the experience of homeless people, those are your experiences and no one else’s. You are also everyone in Palestine. Your experiences.

  4. Truly….for the upper Death drive, in this inverted plane, as the God/Good unfolds, we unfold from ⬛ being to ✝ being of God/Good… 🌞…as the Be Am /we are in the infinite…… pts we are, lol. Ahhh… Can't express those numinous… ineffable moments of union that we are…the only thing that comes close is the 🎢…song and dance that gives one goose nipples per se…lol 😁 and it surely beats the lower death drive I know so well 😊… ✌…for All's Good! Always… All Ways in spite, per se, of outter, lol circumstances πŸ˜ƒ. ❀…. God's sense if humor is the best…lol. The Irony of it in synchronicity…. 😁… Do not take anything or anyone or yourself….too seriously…even the sage advice of this video, lol….just work on ones worth ship…and Let go and Let God and the goal of going H-Om-E…cc(R) is assured…😊. ❀ ✌… πŸ˜‡….. 8

  5. Covid plunged my superficial reality to no mans land, and to fulltime therapy by working sun up to sun down instead of thinking. Yet even church, counseling or AA still needed to futilely fix what didnt need. Then a year later while pretending again and again not to care i Realizednon dual as a narc survior. Being a witness only was a very emotionally healing acceptance during the dark night. Within days the stomach knots receded. Watched youtube satyoga 4 hours daily for months. The silent acceptance of a defeated doer did and still seems surreal. Currently this Jay character lacks a subject he thinks, and is attempting to forgiving the conciousness.πŸ˜πŸ˜’


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