The Clash: Should we go back to Covid restrictions to save the NHS?

Microbiologist at the University of East Anglia, Professor David Livermore, and Journalist Nina Myskow clash over whether we should reintroduce certain Covid restrictions to save the NHS.

🤔 What do you think?

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35 thoughts on “The Clash: Should we go back to Covid restrictions to save the NHS?”

  1. Nina just jog on home and stay there with your face nappy on and then you have no worries if you are so scared…in the meantime let us sensible folk get on with our lives..Comedy Gold from a deranged woman

  2. The quicker nina miscow puts a mask on the better. Plus I remember her from the 90s bragging about how many men she slept with it might have been the 1890s tho. How can anyone with the morals of a rat have any air time regarding good peoples lives

  3. I am fed up with people like Nina being on GB News. Have an opposing view by all means but have people who can argue sensibly. Not someone who hasn't got a clue.

  4. Everyone I know has had it. It started a week before Christmas. And I do mean everyone. Most have now recovered now has always the useless politicians are to late. And now everything is back to normal.

  5. The arrogance of this woman is outstanding, are we to believe the medical person or the rag writer. There should never have been restrictions in the first place. Q is the flu vaccine causing the flu epidemic.

  6. Sounds like me talking to my wife's family in england ,you cannot talk sense to a fools and she's a classic also to end this comment why is a wise man clever , he knows what to do. Why is a stupid person foolish,he only thinks he knows .he knows

  7. "Should we go back to Covid restrictions to save the NHS?" Stop your stupidity. Politicians have created this collapse over many years, The creation of Trusts was the beginning of the end. Incompetent and destructive management deliberately introduced to undermine the service. Our politicians are criminals.They need to be removed, physically if necessary, and we need an immediate crisis response. We could afford furlough, we can find the money to address this catastrophe, but we need to remove those standing in the way, like Sunak and Hunt. We can bring them to account later, but we have to act now, and demand that this is addressed. It's up to us.

  8. And they say you can't predict the stock market !!!!! I'm buying shares in the wrong type of PPE !!!! Oh thank goodness !!!! By the way Do we know how many Politicians have died from COVID ????? I don't think I've heard one reported Political death from it !!!!!! Am I wrong ??

  9. And they say you can't predict the stock market !!!!! I'm buying shares in the wrong type of PPE !!!! Oh thank goodness !!!! By the way Do we know how many Politicians have died from COVID ????? I don't think I've heard one reported Political death from it !!!!!! Am I wrong ??


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