The CHAOS Gods Are The GOOD GUYS?! Chaos Deep Dive | Warhammer 40k Lore.

Are the Chaos Gods actually the good guys? There’s no doubt that the chaos gods do some pretty messed up stuff. but did you know that the Warhammer gods actually have a good side? it doesn’t get talked about much, but these beings have been worshiped for millions of years by millions of different cultures. Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Khorne, these are only the names we know them by, but they’ve gone by many names across time. if so many people worship them they cant be all bad right? lets take a closer look at the good elements of each of the chaos gods and try to figure out where everything went wrong.

If you are a warhammer 40k fan or a warhammer age of sigmar player, the lore of the gods is pretty similar, as chaos is trans universal.

I still plan on doing a comprehensive deep dive of the chaos gods, this was a short that was running long so i decided to flesh it out and turn it into a full length video. so expect a follow up in the future! there is SOOOO much to cover when it comes to these impossible creatures!

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All footage and art in this video are used for educational purposes only.

Opinions expressed in this video are solely those of Weshammer and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.

Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. if you see your artwork and would like an art credit, message me.


45 thoughts on “The CHAOS Gods Are The GOOD GUYS?! Chaos Deep Dive | Warhammer 40k Lore.”

  1. Quick explanation. this was supposed to be an April fools video but it ran longer than I ment it too and went up April 2nd. The chaos gods are definitely not good guys. That being said joke or not. I did my best to take the video as seriously as possible and put fourth a compelling argument in their defense.

    I had a good time with this and will make more videos like it. Although in the future, if it's not April fools I'll make it more clear it's a thought experiment. If it is April 1st, all bets are off.

  2. I think this is best summed up with one of the first things said in this video, Inam paraphrasing here but basically "Shit has seriously gone out of balance, the duality is leaning heavily to one side in the grim dark.

  3. @Weshammer

    Yet speaking of Chaos, what of the Genestealers that use infiltration and the disguise of a cult to lure and attract support for their cults. To praise the Tyranids as saviors and liberators. Only so that in the end the hive of the Tyranids show and realise. Much like the Cenobites of Hellraiser. Making that move or configuration then becomes their very doom.

    One wonders if in fact the Tyranids took notes from Chaos itself.

  4. Chaos isn't good or bad, it's aspect of life you cannot sidestep, no matter how much they suck.
    Death, plague, change, all of those things we would rather not live, but at some point we have to.
    I sill hasnt seen the video but I wanted to have my philosophic rant out of my head first, sorry pêople

  5. So to sum up your entire point, and the essential point to understanding these gods or any god for that matter is this, good and evil do not exist, they are concepts made by mortals to either admonish or justify our actions in our existence. These concepts don’t and do exist for gods at the same time. Their understanding of good and evil and ours are completely foreign to each other. While we try our damndest to label people, actions and thoughts as one of the other, the gods understanding that all people, actions and thoughts are both good and evil. Honestly understanding this allows one to look at things in our reality with more clarity, you begin to understand that most religions aren’t good, they are simply power structures used to control the masses and that if there really is a god or gods that they wouldn’t care weather you worship them or not as their existence isn’t dependent on that worship. That in our world there is no good and evil only moral or immoral.

  6. Few things you forgot:

    Khorne is also courage to stand against cruelty. He is justice, vengeance, and retribution for those taken before their time as now their potential will never be reached. Finally he is survival of the fittest and the embodiment of endless self improvement.

    He may be the king of warlords, tyrants, and conquerors, but he is also the patron of guardians, rebels, and resistance.

    The above material of unknown origin has been deemed heretical by the order of his most holy Inquisition. You will remain in your place until your guilt has been determined. Any attempt to continue watching will result in the harshest form of execution.

    May the Emperors justice account in all balance! The Emperor protects!

  8. I do really like this take of the chaos gods not being evil antagonists but simply gods with a belief that is interpreted in both good and bad ways. Of course they clearly arent the good guys but it would be cool to see more sides to them besides murderous eldritch horrors.


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