The Changeling Season 1: Glamour, Boiled Veggies and Cabbage Patches #thechangeling #appletv

We going to break down episode 4 the REEL way. Pull out your magnifying glasses and hold on tight tight tight.


29 thoughts on “The Changeling Season 1: Glamour, Boiled Veggies and Cabbage Patches #thechangeling #appletv”

  1. I think Emma's third wish was a happy home or healthy relationship, the relationship in the house after the baby was all but happy, in my opinion i could be wrong but in todays market 70 grand is far from wealth i could be wrong

  2. When William said to Apollo he's been following him since he heard about the baby being born on the train. It had me thinking was he the one sending and deleting the photos to Emma hoping it would lead him to finding his wife. He seems like he's part of the fairies. Also with the 3rd wish I'm with you I think it's wealth or something to do with her parents.

  3. Bro I stumbled on this video on YouTube is called the Island of Witches. It got hints to not only" From "but also to "The Changeling." Its about Pagan religions On Iceland from around the 1200's-the 1700's. They even talked about Norwegia. This video has absolutely nothing to do with the actual shows. But I seen so many symbols I've seen on From and The Changeling. They even have the Red and Blue theme going once they started talking g about the Changelings. They even mention that for a while a Majority of the Witches in Iceland were actually men. They even breakdown what the Blue and Red means in relation to Changelings. It all about Curses and Iceland falki g u de4 different rules and how these ruler tried to force Chritianity on the Pagans in Iceland and they resisted. I know that you can really break this video in relation to From and The Changeling way b3tter than I can but if you haven't watched it its called "The Island of Witches "f

  4. First let us agree The Changeling is an adult Fairytale. And that this are based as old time fairytales that are like what life was then possibilities of extreme fear, chaos and violence. Also we know that any good TV series has some connections to real life events and situations that showrunners want to comment on using metaphors and allegory. We know that the world can be a dangerous place that even with the best protections bad stuff can happen. I believe that was the purpose of fairytale. They are stories that are cautionary teaching tools for adults.

    Now as for the plot specifics you focused on. IMO Patrice is a good friend to Apollo. He did create the web page for Baby Brian but it was high jacked by internet trolls like William. Patrice did not tell William to meet Apollo at his support group meeting. William found out using his tracking and hacking skills where Brain would be. His purpose was to drive a wedge between Apollo and Patrice friendship leaving only William as an ally. His reason for that is yet to be revealed.

    As for Lillian, did you notice the scene change from Lillian trying to fond daycare for 4 year old Brian to Brian entering his support group for recovery? The difference between the two is that Brian receives support for his needs and Lillian did not. Lillian had no support system. She needed to provide everything for Brian but without assistance. I believe this is a commentary on what challenges single mother face. No saying her choice was right but she felt she had no other options. The parallels between Lillian, Brian, Emma & Apollo lay in the truth that men an woman are treated distinctly different then and now. I'll save that commentary for the next video.

    I appreciate the way you weave real events into your commentaries and theories. It gives further depth to what you're saying. You're not just skating the surface and it's appreciated. Be well❤

  5. Did you notice how Alice Guy set that baby on the bare ground in that old movie clip of the 'garden'? Similar to Apollo placing baby Brian on the ground in the basement, bookstore and driveway. Hmm, telling…

  6. So interesting that you had researched the history/lore of changelings and you applied it perfectly to this excellent adult fairy tale. I actually thought that Patrice was denied use of the bathroom because of his race.

  7. Did you hear the strange sounds Brian made when Emma was sitting by him and talking to him by his Cot? That's when they conformed that Brian isn't a human baby. Also his constant hunger and him biting Emma. Is anybody also walking around with that "It's not a baby" stuck in their head? 😅

  8. I first got suspicious of Patrice when they found that “To kill a mockingbird “ book. It was already so improbable to find an original copy but signed inscription? Completely unheard of, seems suspect and that he just so happened to let Apollo find. Seems like the book is a catalyst for things, like Brian finally latches and “bites” Emma and now it’s the link to William. In the book, there’s a comment about how Apollo was already a bit of an “unicorn” beings black young man in the book collection business but to have 2 that just so happened to meet at a sale was improbable. I don’t know if I believe William saying that Patrice is behind the social media stuff but it’s something secretive about Patrice…now seeing your theory, I completely believe it’s more to Patrice than we know.

  9. Am starting to wonder about Patrice…from the moment mentioned the page i started to look at him in a different light. I dont believe what William said about him tho and i dont believe what Patrice found online about him. Think about it… someone as texh savy as William would be more than about to create an online background. We see that all the time in spy movies. Plus if he is indeed a fairy (which i think he is) that would not be a problem for him to create. But my main take away from this episode is….could Apollo be a changeling but he doesn't know it??? Its obvious by now that he is caught up in something he has no clue about but i think he has a bigger role in it than he thinks and his mother is the key. Infact, i believe there is more than 1 changeling in the show but right now the baby is the one everyone is focused on.

  10. The suitcase looks very heavy maybe Apollo 's dad is in the suitcase, I think his dad is a creature and his mom killed it. The boat of tan beige man is called Childs play>> made me think of Chucky

  11. I’m definitely not buying Patrice being behind those pages. I would’ve reacted the same way about someone bringing up witches 😂 like wtf? I’m leaning more towards weird ass William. I truly thinks he’s one of those fairies being spoken of.

  12. Those girls totally looked like Rock Lee from Naruto lol.
    3:22 Is the box that Brian Sr. is carrying labelled "Improbabilia"? Interesting.
    4:05 Oslo_Station? That's the capitol of Norway. Thanks for going back to this scene so I can read all the comments I missed!
    Oh, dude… Patrice talking so much shit about William does seem kind of weird when you think about how William said he found Apollo through Patrice. Which was later revealed to be a lie. And then William tries to turn Apollo against Patrice.
    Didn't notice Emma's dad's hand on the doorknob!
    This was an excellent breakdown.

  13. Do writers of shows really go this deep when they are thinking about Easter eggs. Cuz all of this is so deep. Like I’m blown away at the direction you are taking on this. I actually know the character Patrice personally and I want him to watch this and see if you’re spot on.


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