The Butcher of Snowflake Island – Please Don't Hate Christmas – Voice UPDATE and All Endings

You venture back to your hometown of Snow flake island, excited to see your handsome childhood friend, but memories of an urban legend start becoming to real and now you must learn the dark secret of the Snowflake Island.

Yandere x Otome x Christmas x Urban Legend!!

You last celebrated Christmas a few years ago. This year, you returned to your hometown—Snowflake Island, with your childhood friend, Albert. Albert treats you so well that you choose to stay forever. However, you forgot something in the past, and it’s still not solved…

Please Don’t Hate Christmas by Rice Love Coffee –

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💖hey are you still reading this? Thanks! You’re pretty awesome!
#PDHC #yandere #horrorgaming #horror #vn #visualnovelyoutuber


23 thoughts on “The Butcher of Snowflake Island – Please Don't Hate Christmas – Voice UPDATE and All Endings”

  1. I’m in this weird spot. I can’t tell if English isn’t the first language of this writer or just some weird word choices. I’m loving the game so far I just don’t have much commentary at the moment

  2. Isn't this by the same creator of Heart Cage??? The game where the MC gets sent to a town of yanderes???? IS THIS THE SAME DAMN TOWN??????

    Snowflake Island babe what are they putting in your water?

    EDIT: It's not the same town, I think Rice just has a thing for messed up magical towns

  3. HELLO! A million thanks for checking out our game and rerelease! I'm actually the voice of Albert Claus in this. Caught wind of your playthrough from some of the other VAs so I'd like to give our gratitude on behalf of them!

    Because of you, I'll coin this baby boi as "Beast Mode Santa" and nothing else. Working on this has literally been nothing but pleasure, I love the cast of dynamos we cultivated and I HOPE their work made this rerelease especially worth it! Albert's actually really outside my personal range so it's like I was being challenged EXTRA hard to make this great lol.

    Again, a thousand thanks from us for playing our game and giving your view–the joy and intrigue from others is what keeps us going!

  4. "Narrows eyes at Liam." (I voice Liam lol)

    Thank you so much for playing this game! I already saw Charles Collings make a comment somewhere down there but I thought I'd say thank you too because it's been such an honor to be in this game and have someone like you play it!

    BTW: I saw that you like Sharon's voice acting. Her voice actress is Envee Lin Alice. Both her and I appear in an audio drama together that has a lot of the same voice actors as this game called "Murder Manor". You can listen to it almost anywhere you listen to music. Just thought I'd shamelessly drop that haha! Thank you again for checking out the game. I love listening to your commentary!


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