The Brutal End to the Battle of Manila – War Against Humanity 129

This week yet another bloody urban battle draws to its conclusion. In Manila, despite clear orders from Tomoyuki Yamashita against wanton violence, his subordinates and superiors chose to ignore him. The Japanese defenders massacre, rape, loot and then burn the remains of the city.

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Hosted by: Spartacus Olsson
Director: Astrid Deinhard
Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński
Community Management: Ian Sowden
Written by: Spartacus Olsson
Research by: Spartacus Olsson
Map animations by: Daniel Weiss
Map research by: Sietse Kenter
Edited by: Karolina Dołęga
Artwork and color grading by: Mikołaj Uchman
Sound design by: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations by:
Mikołaj Uchman
Daniel Weiss

Source literature list:

Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters –

Image sources:
National Archives NARA

Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound:
Dark Beginning – Johan Hynynen
Document This 1 – Peter Sandberg
Guilty Shadows 4 – Andreas Jamsheree.
Not Safe Yet – Gunnar Johnsen
Please Hear Me Out- Philip Ayers
Potential Redemption – Max Anson
Secret Cargo – Craft Case
The End Of The World 2 – Håkan Eriksson
Weapon of Choice – Fabien Tell

A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.


39 thoughts on “The Brutal End to the Battle of Manila – War Against Humanity 129”

  1. the horror that is humanity. Sorry but there are not enough good people in positions of power, so many countries still have Racial Hatred, Religious Hatred, Class Hatred.
    Just this week here in Australia we had that fkn ahole Dutton and one of his cronies yelling about how evil refugees are because a former detainee was arrested and they claimed it was an example of how evil Non-Australians of the Non-White Variety are. Then have not apologised when it was shown he was arrested incorrectly and had done nothing wrong.
    These dipshits have been running this same message for decades in this country.
    Never Forget

  2. My grandfather fought in The Battle of Manila. He wrote letters to family talking about how ferociously the Japanese were fighting. After the war, he rarely talked about his experiences in the Philippines. Now it makes more sense why that was the case.

  3. Very surprised you made no video on Dresden Bombing a few weeks ago,barely got a mention. I hope there is a full video on the Tokyo firebombing because there's few videos on that subject on YT.

  4. The appeasers prior to WW2, particularly in UK, have had a very bad press. But Chamberlain did realise war was inevitable and defence spending in the very late 30's increased massively. The appeasement did give the UK the time to build enough fighters and radar stations to inflict the first defeat on Hitler in the Battle of Britiain. This in turn gave the UK chance to really get ready for war and for the USA to be dragged in screaming, shouting and woefully under-armed into the conflict.

  5. Worth noting with Yamashita there is the whole thing with the Japanese Imperial Navy and Japanese Imperial Army hated each other more than they hated the Americans involved. I would imagine a lot of the communication between that Navy Captain and Yamashita was basically the two of them trolling each other.

  6. People should look up General Blaskowitz. Maybe there's a biography special about him? His death was pretty tragic, since he killed himself before his war crimes trial, and some suspect he was only charged to show the court an example of resisting war crime orders.

  7. Good grief , who in their right mind could do things like this ? Brutally murdering women , children and infants in such a sickening manner . I had heard before that acts like this had taken place in Manila as the Japanese retreated but I never knew it was so bad and so far spread .
    Yet again Spartacus (and the team) you have come up with another documentary masterpiece . However hard it is to listen to these acts must be brought to people’s attention so hopefully nothing like this can ever happen again .
    ‘Never forget’ – wise words

  8. This might be my favorite video of this channel. The contents are truly atrocious, but the detailed explanation is amazing.

    Spartacus – you are a wonderful. It’s difficult to see and hear atrocities, but you handle it with complete class.

    GOD I LOVE THIS CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly learn so much.

  9. This series always ends with never forget, and yet my country, the United States sits idol, as a genocide is the wage against the people of God… Genocide that our leaders can end with a phone call, but ignore the bells in the world in its shame claims to be powerless to stop.

    We have forgotten. Free Palestine.

  10. Yamashita was hanged not because of Manila or the Bataan Death March, but because he routed not one but TWO European armies: the US army under that mountebank General MacArthur AND the British army in Malaysia that craven coward General Arthur Ernest Percival.

  11. Leaders get rewards for just being there so they should be punished for just being there. Tons of bronze stars for the USA were given out in Iraq and Afghanistan who never saw combat. Yet ppl who did amazing things had their awards reduced because they were E1, E2, E3, E4

  12. If I had the power, I would show this episode, and particularly your powerful closing monolog, to every politician in Congress. The attitudes of appeasement and indifference that allowed tyrants to fester and ultimately lead to atrocities like this has returned. Evil doesn't really care about "escalation". It will continue to grow until acted upon, or until it has achieved it's goals. I will Never Forget, but it seems that many others have.

  13. That's a great point about yamashita's role that I hadn't considered. His participation in the Japanese military experiment as a whole does lead to some complicity in their war crimes. It's funny. I enjoy WAH less than the other series but it's frequently the one that I feel deserves comment. I'm not quite as pessimistic towards my view of the present as sparty seems to imply he is, but I appreciate the emotive dedication this series seems to draw from him.

  14. My grandmother survived the Battle of Manila. Her story is retold in my video with English subtitles: "Tara, Kain Tayo! Vonous: Bonus ng Aming Lola – Emir's BTIN Balik Tanaw / In Hindsight".

  15. Such an awful stories ,yet presented with such great English manner of speaking,makes me happy to know this language and understand each word . Accompanied with knowledge,that it's hard to be human ,..but sometimes,it even harder to remain one .

  16. Urban fighting in Manila… Many Japanese praise the Japanese army, saying that the Japanese garrison fought heroically to the last man against an overwhelming number of American forces.😬😬 On the other hand, they completely ignore the atrocities committed by the Japanese garrison against the citizens of Manila. 😬😬Furthermore, war crimes committed by the Japanese military, such as those in this video, are not mentioned at all in Japanese history textbooks .😬😬 Though facts such as the Tokyo air raids or the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which emphasize that Japan is " a victim country of war " , " never an aggressor country " like Nazi Germany , are clearly described. 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

  17. 1:16 The fact that In the Philippine campaign , General Yamashita was an Army general and had no command over naval forces shows how incompetent and foolish the Japanese army was at the time. 😬😬This meant that there was no supreme commander of the Japanese military who would oversee all military units in the Philippine theater. 😬😬If we were to translate this situation into the U.S. military, In the Philippine campaign , MacArthur would be able to command only the Army, but would have no jurisdiction over the Marine Corps or Navy. 😬😬 Can you understand this situation ❓❓❓❓ Even in the famous battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Japanese army and navy fought in separate systems. 😬😬The Japanese Army and Navy each fought under their own commanders, with their own chains of command, and even with incompatible weapons.😬😬Until the very end, the Japanese military had no supreme commander who oversees all troops in a particular theater😬😬 Despite this, many Japanese , especially young people who are ignorant about the war, only watch You Tube videos that emphasize the Japanese military was strong and capable.😬😬 Their favorite videos are, for example, "the Zero fighter was the strongest in the world " , " the battleship Yamato was the strongest in the world " , etc. 😬😬

  18. Utterly harrowing. This episode actually made me feel sick. I can’t emphasise enough how important this WAH series is. It’s the stark, naked truth about war and while the historical series about battles and troop movements is interesting, it is THIS that needs to be taught and understood


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