The Brits Surrendered Easily, Were Good Chaps, Then Hit Us With Perfect Timed Artillery Fire (Fixed)

The Brits Surrendered Easily, Were Good Chaps, Then Hit Us With Perfect Time Artillery Fire
part 3


29 thoughts on “The Brits Surrendered Easily, Were Good Chaps, Then Hit Us With Perfect Timed Artillery Fire (Fixed)”

  1. My uncle was in Sicily fighting for the US army, 3 id, 30 regiment, I have his letters starting in North Africa. In Sicily he talked about the landing craft and how they kept landing in the rear of the enemy. KIA, Battle for Rome, Anzio Italy, February 1944.

  2. Self appointed transhumanist, technocratic globalist, psychopathic eugenicist cult (criminal cartel regime) are
    Not against hate speech, when they say hate speech they mean climate change and eugenics medicine.
    You know it’s fake because they have to protect their eugenics narrative.

    Approval status authorisation non existent. (Fabrication & fear)
    5G cell towers activate graphene payloads structures, voltage & frequencies.
    Dumbed down brainwashed population ready to be exterminated.

  3. The vernacular in these posts is too modern. If these are actual diaries they were written in retrospect plus ordinary landsers would have a lot more bigoted but only once they surrendered would they pause for refection. My grandad who fought in North Africa and Sicily said that the Germans were fanatical but no braver than the Tommies or ANZACS and Indians.

  4. The British and Americans were big on artillery , because they found out , it was a cheap way to cause heavy casualties , with lttle of your own . The Soviets did it , for strictly economic , and production reasons . Artillery was a fast , easy way to get firepower to the front . They could make 3-5 field guns , in the same amount it takes to make one tank , and uses less resources .

  5. "…all the best feelings in my heart are directed towards it"–the Fuehrer and the Vaterland. Very happy that this brainwashed minion of evil finally woke up. Many did not. Because my German was pretty good, and I was entirely unthreatening, I managed to draw out dozens of Hitlerjugend/Wehrmacht soldiers 40 years after the war. Many had come to terms with the insanity of their youthful indoctrination, but there were also many who were never able to honestly confront their history.

    This guy's 1943 reaction to Goebbels' infamous Total War speech is most telling because the Minister of Propaganda's main argument was the complicity of every German in the terrible crimes that the Nazis had committed. Perpetually lying Goebbels was actually perfectly correct that the Russian retribution would be terrible. Because the Nazis brought all of this suffering and destruction on themselves.

  6. I think that many German soldiers believed they were invading Russia because it was a threat, but, having listened to quite a few of these, I have never heard anyone explain why they had to invade all the other countries they did.

  7. wow, this is 43, and the Brits have poor morale? also reflected in equipment – hadn't know this. I suppose part of this is they know Americans are arriving in England, still training up, paid alot, and chasing their girls

  8. Interesting and informative. Good photography picture 📷. Enabling viewers to better understand what the orator is describing. Special thanks to veteran soldiers/civilians sharing personal information/combat experiences thru diaries/memoirs.Enabling historians to replicate those stories for viewers to better appreciate facts over fiction. Fighting/perishing/surviving knowing certain death/debilitating wounds were often times possible. Yet still advanced forward regardless of the consequences. True grit style determination to succeed!!! A loud shout out to the medical 🚑 personal medics/stretcher bearers. Risking life and limb tending to the wounded soldiers. Along with the doctors/nurses/orderlies. Working tirelessly to save those brave soldiers.

  9. I am enthralled by the stories of the German soldiers in Russia during the winter months after all the shelling of from both sides , the-30 temperature's and little food. they still believe that Hitler is a great man who loves them. That's what happens when you have grown up under fascism.

  10. funny how the english considered Dunkirk as a win… considering that they run like cowards and left the french to defend them while they were crying on a beach for a ride home.

  11. Amazing how the Germans managed to deliver mail to the Russian front in the middle of a world war, I was with the Irish army in Lebanon on UN duty (1979) and the only mail we got for 2.5 months was f….. ballot papers for an upcoming general election in Ireland 6:54

  12. Does anyone really think these stories are not just simple AI outputs??
    There is no attribution, no context, no sources.
    They are all the same, mechanical, especially in time references, with an obvious "character" direction to each one.
    All the pics are from Ryan, Band of Brothers etc, few if any from a contemporaneous source.  All irrelevant to the content but eye-catching.
    The titles clichéd in the same way, pseudo-interesting to entice.


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