The Bourgeois Budget | Scam of the Week

Westy on Albo and Jim’s Budget and Peter Dutton’s Budget Reply. Albo rides to the middle as Murdoch drags the Right right #housingaffordability #inflation #defence #fossilfuels



32 thoughts on “The Bourgeois Budget | Scam of the Week”

  1. Thanks muchly, as ever, Michael. Love your work!
    As an aside, it fascinates me how few people realise that unemployment is baked into the the system. I bring it up with people who feel "bludgers" should be subject to the punitive benefits system we currently have. As we've just seen during this inflationary period it took unemployment to go UP for all the financial pundits to calm the fark down about inflation.
    Why are we punishing people for doing us a favour and keeping the system working as some think it should? I'd love to see an explainer video from you on this topic.

    Once again, thanks for what you do 👍

  2. Fake antisemitism crisis? Have you not spent any time on the internet? Are saying the council is faking the data for the 5x+ more incidences after Oct 7? Do you think maybe any decrease might be due to Jews not exposing themselves to risk?

  3. The current migration issues and housing crisis can be traced back to the policies implemented during the Morrison and Howard era. Despite this, there is a tendency to shift blame onto the Labor party. As a former loyal voter for the Liberal party, my perspective changed after the 2022 election when I recognised that the LNP had been infiltrated by individuals engaging in criminal activities

  4. It's bullshit, the whole f@%$ing show is just bullshit.
    The inflation was always going to flatten. That's the way inflation works. Core inflation, the cost of energy rises, which shows up as headline inflation, the cost of goods and sevices rise. Inflation ratchets up then slows. The GST was inflationary, once prices adjusted at the new tax level, the inflation rate dropped.

    Before covid, oil was ticking along at around $50/b. When we came out of covid lockdowns, the oil producers set a new price for oil at $80/b. Then oil shot to nearly $100/b after Russia invaded Ukraine. Input cost, especially in transport and agriculture, all went up. Fertiliser prices increased 800 – 1000%, AdBlue, used in transport, doubled in price overnight.

    An economist might tell you they ignore volatile markets like oil and gas. But that's not how the real world works. If you want to stay in business you can't. Economist don't consider interst rates as inflationary either. Rising interest rates certainly effect prices in industries highly dependant on finance. Utilities are capital intensive industries and carry high levels of debt. When interst rates rise, the cost of capital rises, and this shows up on your power bill. The shareholders won't wear it.

    Inflation was always going to flatten, but thanks to the 2024 budget, the taxpayer will pick up the bill. The voters still pays, it simply gets paid in instalments, we pay once as a consumer and again as a taxpayer.

    The banks are robbing your savings, the energy producers are robbing your wages, and the government collects taxes at at every stage. Government excise and indirect taxes also rise inline with inflation.

    So who's at fault? We are, the voters. Every 3 years we the people give our stamp of approval, to one side or the other, knowing they will sodomise us for another 3 years.

    It's a f#$&ing joke.

  5. You keep banging on about the Diesel Rebate being a subsidy to big mining companies. It isn't – it's a refund of a road-maintenance tax levied on diesel fuel, paid to people who don't drive their diesel vehicles on roads, like farmers and, yes, mining companies. Big difference!

  6. The budget was terrible. Coalition would be equally as bad. Australia needs to vote fringe for real change. Priority is breaking the power duopoly. Australia doesnt really have democracy.


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